All Australian MFKERS must Read This

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I sincerely hope that this proposal doesn't pass!!
Instead of doing their homework, they (the politicians) take the easy way out and just ban everything!..(a bit like the whole thing with snakeheads in the U.S)

Have they seriously considered what would happen to the fish trade, the individual shop owners and not to mention the guy who just happens to love his fish?

I am not unaware of the impact some of the fish could have on the Australian environment, but how many of the species truly constitutes a real danger?

Any ban (and IMHO it doesn't matter what they will ban) should be backed up by proof that what is being banned is a danger and not just a knee jerk reaction, to show that they "care".

Best of luck to all members from AUS. and i hope that you will succeed in your protest!
ovYer this is really **** i just got an email today from a Mate, seriously how can a ghost knife live here? in these hard water will all our native fish, mate if they swim by any type of native fish they are sure to get eaten as they cant really defend themselves besids there electric shock thing. I can understand how a peacockbass can live here as they grow large and are carniverous and they can defend themselves. Bichirs aswell wtf.

japes;2337722; said:
Wheres the list of species?

Seriously doubt this will go ahead, especially considering that even current obnoxious species are hardly (if at all) regulated, even in stores.

lol, obnoxious species.
wow...every perth/aus site i know of has this thread....i hope they dont go through with it, if so the value of the fish will go so much higher :(
As posted by me on AC...

I understand where the government is coming from, though;
Just as with anything else, it's the misbehavior of certain idiots in the place screwing everything for everyone else... I certainly would not want Arowana, Snakeheads, Tilapia etc getting a foothold in our waterways. Unfortunately, though, there are many people that just don't stop to think about that before dumping their unwanted fish...

You are right that this proposal is targeting and disadvantaging responsible, concientious fishkeepers. But that's what happens. I don't know if there could be any way to govern/police/place strictures upon the collection and keeping of particular species, by the wrong types of people. How does one prove or disprove their own worthiness to keep, say, Snakeheads? How do Authorities prove/disprove otherwise? The only answer is to ban those species, outright. Don't get me wrong, this upsets me as much as anyone else, but I can fully appreciate what has caused this and why it has to happen. We already have an issue with Tilapia, in my region of North Queensland. Each year, Tilapia fishing contests are held. The fish are neither eaten nor released, rather destroyed, with monetary reward for each fish caught. These fish are simply thriving in the waters of the area, threatening many native species.

We can't afford any more problems...we have enough trouble dealing with the blasted Cane Toads!

In reality, we cannot be blaming the Government fo rthis. Sure, we can blame them for many things, but this is our responsibility..or, at least, those of our ilk with no concern whatsoever for the environment. As I said above, there is no way to police who can or can't keep certain fish. Special licencing just would not work, and would only prove even more detrimental to the hobby/industry as it would cause Mr and Mrs Average to think twice before buying their children (or themselves) fish as pets...
Sorry, but we need to own this, and accept that the bad apples around the place are ruining it for the rest of us...
i just came back from the lfs with a texas cichlid (on the list as rio grande) was aiming to come back with more fish on the list, but they run out of spiney eels, and only had a foot long red devil that was 'unsociable'. i told the manager and he said someone told him about it yesterday, but did not know much about it. i told him what and when, and he responded by saying he will order more texas, red devils, spiney eels, knife fish, and anything else he can find on the list. he loves his monster fish, and has an 8x2.5x2.5 and a 4x2x2 full of agressive cichlids, another 8x2.5x2.5 full of monster trade-ins, and another 8x2.5x2.5 with a saratoga jardini. he literally lives at the shop. he also has a 'river'(manmade) full of koi, that completely goes around the shop.
thingthing;2341695; said:
i just came back from the lfs with a texas cichlid (on the list as rio grande) was aiming to come back with more fish on the list, but they run out of spiney eels, and only had a foot long red devil that was 'unsociable'. i told the manager and he said someone told him about it yesterday, but did not know much about it. i told him what and when, and he responded by saying he will order more texas, red devils, spiney eels, knife fish, and anything else he can find on the list. he loves his monster fish, and has an 8x2.5x2.5 and a 4x2x2 full of agressive cichlids, another 8x2.5x2.5 full of monster trade-ins, and another 8x2.5x2.5 with a saratoga jardini. he literally lives at the shop. he also has a 'river'(manmade) full of koi, that completely goes around the shop.
I can't see this being related to the thread or maybe I'm having a blonde moment again.:confused:
Oh god my spiney eel is a criminal
Lupin;2341698; said:
I can't see this being related to the thread or maybe I'm having a blonde moment again.:confused:
texas cichlid is on the list, as is red devil, koi and spiney eels. most of the lfs' managers tanks contain fish on the list. i was going on about how he loves his rare and predatory fish that are on the proposed noxious list, and how he is ordering as much as he can before its too late. sorry, i can blabber on a bit
thingthing;2341720; said:
texas cichlid is on the list, as is red devil, koi and spiney eels. most of the lfs' managers tanks contain fish on the list. i was going on about how he loves his rare and predatory fish that are on the proposed noxious list, and how he is ordering as much as he can before its too late. sorry, i can blabber on a bit
Oh, thanks for clarifying it. I was wondering what you were talking about awhile