All Australian MFKERS must Read This

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
thingthing;2341695; said:
i just came back from the lfs with a texas cichlid (on the list as rio grande) was aiming to come back with more fish on the list, i told the manager and he said someone told him about it yesterday, but did not know much about it. i told him what and when, and he responded by saying he will order more texas, red devils, spiney eels, knife fish, and anything else he can find on the list.

although i am too concerned about this, i think you should be putting your effeorts behind protesting the proposed changes rather than stressing about stockpiling fish

the NSW state govt cant make the trains run on time let alone enforce these massive changes instantly, these species will not disapear overnight

remember all those people who stockpiled food and ran into the mountains to hide from Y2K ;)
gran charismo;2341743; said:
although i am too concerned about this, i think you should be putting your effeorts behind protesting the proposed changes rather than stressing about stockpiling fish

the NSW state govt cant make the trains run on time let alone enforce these massive changes instantly, these species will not disapear overnight

remember all those people who stockpiled food and ran into the mountains to hide from Y2K ;)

i have already sent emails to the listed adresses, and spread the message to other forums

thinking about it, i don't think the police will raid my lfs, its hard to find and only locals know where it is. and when they get there, its like a maze, just to get to the tropical fish room.
good pass any info/sources and web links to the lfs owner so that this doesnt turn into chinese whispers

lfs can start signature petitions that every customer who walks in the door would sign, and they can then be passed onto the people making the decisions

a member/rep from the australian cichlid society was in my lfs today and seems to think that we are in a good position to knock this proposal on the head
ill go to a really busy fish shop tomorrow or on the weekend, and tell the owners there. They get so many people through, they would be good candidates for starting a petition. and they love their monster fish too.
-.- The one species of exotic fish that I admire and wish to obtain in all its glory when I can finnaly afford a decent tank is about to have its throat slit. In no way do I see this as K Rudd's fault, however, no doubt one of his mates owns at least 1 of these 'noxious' species.

The government is trying to shield our great land from these beautiful fish, but in doing so, they are only making matters worse. Tell me. Would any sane man (Or women) throw out his $1,200 gold Managuense into the rivers of Sydney because he abides by this idiotic law?

Say this bill does get enforced, I'd love to see the state of the small businesses or Pets Paradise (actually they can all go to hell) after 3 months. In 12 months, any fish which showed a hint of aggression or predatory like behaviour would be frowned upon, or snatched up like a mother protecting her child from an oncoming stranger.

I doubt this bill will get inforced to the fullest extent. Mystix212 out.
Mystix212;2341923; said:
-.- The one species of exotic fish that I admire and wish to obtain in all its glory when I can finnaly afford a decent tank is about to have its throat slit.

and what fish is that?

this weeks need to buy list
texas cichlid tick
red devil
some sort of spiney eel
jaguar cichlid
a heap of koi
anything else i might run into
and if i have any money left over the 55 gallon tank ive been eyeing at krempins for a while now, minus the stand

i might need to take out a loan, im almost out of cash.

i might also need to upgrade my ponds heating, it struggles to stay over 15 degrees in winter. convict cichlids and natives seem to do fine, but the texas, red devil, koi and jag will eventually have to go in there, and they might get a bit cold. and i might need to extend it a bit over summer.
the australian ornamental fish industry report 2006-2007
pages 96-99 are about illegal trading of aquarium fish. some of the fish on the grey list are mentioned in this section, but mostly fish that are not on the import list. the rest of it is probably an interesting read, but its the sort of thing that would take hours just to read some of it. page 167-169 is the grey list
From what I know (after seeing all Australian forums littered with this post)
- Some people have mentioned its still in the consideration stage (well) from the link given, this list has already been in consideration for a few years now

So I think this time, things might be heating up.

I hope they dont include Peacock bass, Oscars and Pleco catfish.
I cant believe their banning Arrowana's, luckily we have Saratoga's as 'substitute'

But I doubt anyone who currently has any fish in the grey list would either dispose of it. The only issue is SELLING now, but even then, theres lots of forum selling exotic species that go un noticed.

I sincerely hope it doesn't pass. It will turn us from law abiding citizens to criminals overnight. Reminds me of when we lost our right to bear arms...I became a criminal as many others overnight then and now they may do it to us again?

I gave up my fire arms and replaced it with a compound bow but I don't think I could replace my Managuense so easily?:(
It's always the responsible getting a stern :nutkick: because of the irresponsible and uneducated citizens or the over paid pen pushing politicians that need to make their job title seem like it is worth something!!

p.s. We should take note to remember that the vast majority of invasive species in Australia were introduced by our government agencies themselves.
We can't keep the fish of our choice in a glass tank in our personal homes while they keep playing god and stocking our dams and waterways with what they deem fit. Doesn't seem very fair to me?:irked:
Can some one please show some proof of this happening on a federal level and just not hear say.I can't find any literature to actively show this is in the process other than the ornamental proposal from 2007 which does not indicate a blanket ban.
I don't know why Queensland has just revised its state fisheries policy if it is about to be over ruled or super seeded just 1 month later on a federal level? Surely they would have known and taken this in to account?
In Schedule 6, part 1 (page 466 and onwards) the noxious list for Queensland has stayed the same
Queensland Fisheries Regulation: Reprinted as in force on 6 October 2008