Mattyou;2952681; said:I never new Jags were such whores. They will breed with freakin anything.
aussie schom;3234992; said:is it possible to cross a green terror with something?
i've heard everywhere that it is?
that green terror x con looks like it could be gt x port cichlid
yo_fish_boi;3235031; said:how about texas x blood parrot?what will the product look like?
that is a blue acara.Loc fish;3229942; said:That's what they say
just about to say that!Camphilophus;3235782; said:the supposed con X vieja is a pair of spilurums
the image was taken from here
BrynMichael;3235641; said:Aussie- You just answered your own question. And Loc Fish's picture is proof.
Yo_fish_boi This is how you get SRT. The first couple generations don't have any orange and look something like this.