L Loc fish Gambusia MFK Member Mar 29, 2006 169 10 18 44 New Jersey May 7, 2009 #61 Come on! Fellow Hybrid keepers. Let's see those hybrids.
C chloe Feeder Fish MFK Member Apr 16, 2008 3,362 3 0 38 portsmouth/southampton/crawley, UK May 7, 2009 #62 wow these r some of the most beautiful fish....especially that red head x blood parrot. the best i can do with a hybrid are my flowerhorns lol
wow these r some of the most beautiful fish....especially that red head x blood parrot. the best i can do with a hybrid are my flowerhorns lol
K kazuo Feeder Fish MFK Member May 15, 2009 133 0 0 a place where i call home. May 20, 2009 #63 Loc fish;2948383; said: Red head x Blood Parrot Click to expand... wow.. i love them!!!!!!!!!!
N Natural_Born_Killer Feeder Fish MFK Member Dec 2, 2008 1,386 2 0 42 Netherlands May 20, 2009 #64 Is it just me but are pics also not always coming up for people? The ones that are .bmp don't seem to show up on my computer. Was quite curious to see the Texas x Convict
Is it just me but are pics also not always coming up for people? The ones that are .bmp don't seem to show up on my computer. Was quite curious to see the Texas x Convict
H]-[H Fire Eel MFK Member Oct 11, 2008 1,895 21 68 Malaysia May 20, 2009 #65 how come there's no green terror x (any cichild)?? great thread btw.. I really like the jag x jd fish.. looks almost like a good grade flowerhorn without the kok.. Anyone has an adult pic of it?
how come there's no green terror x (any cichild)?? great thread btw.. I really like the jag x jd fish.. looks almost like a good grade flowerhorn without the kok.. Anyone has an adult pic of it?
L lilfats2 Feeder Fish MFK Member Jan 13, 2008 1,441 0 0 38 Long Island May 20, 2009 #66 father JaguarxDovii Mother Red Devil this is a Proven hybrid female pic of a few months back will take recent pics soon And soon to come Dovii x Cuban
father JaguarxDovii Mother Red Devil this is a Proven hybrid female pic of a few months back will take recent pics soon And soon to come Dovii x Cuban
Ctrl_Alt_Dlt Fire Eel MFK Member Jun 5, 2008 1,064 9 68 MN May 20, 2009 #67 PLease show pics of parents if possible. I heard that overseas, the only cichlid that breeders were not able to cross were Gold Saums. nubria6969;2957857; said: Also this guy is a Gold Saum X Jaguar Cichlid not a SevXJag. Click to expand...
PLease show pics of parents if possible. I heard that overseas, the only cichlid that breeders were not able to cross were Gold Saums. nubria6969;2957857; said: Also this guy is a Gold Saum X Jaguar Cichlid not a SevXJag. Click to expand...
D dleomd Gambusia MFK Member Apr 15, 2009 354 3 18 Rockford, IL May 20, 2009 #68 Loc fish;2948432; said: Jack x Jag Click to expand... Amazing! "EB Jag"???? great thread/pics
AFelony Gambusia MFK Member Jan 18, 2009 114 11 18 NJ May 20, 2009 #69 Great thread WOW never new so many kinds of hybreds existed. Anyone have any Hybrid Electric Dempsey's pics???
Great thread WOW never new so many kinds of hybreds existed. Anyone have any Hybrid Electric Dempsey's pics???
midasman714 Blue Tier VIP MFK Member Oct 22, 2007 1,737 814 425 Fountain Valley, CA May 20, 2009 #70 cool thread... they are all pretty *interesting actually the Red head x Blood Parrot looks good. *fugly
cool thread... they are all pretty *interesting actually the Red head x Blood Parrot looks good. *fugly