• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

American eels at Fish Story

Yes i think the mistaken ID is due to that specimens lower jaw appearing to protrude like anguilla. But in the detail pic below of the same eel you can see the difference quite clearly. The dorsal fin is telltale conger right off the bat.

That guy might have the degrees, but if he's a "director" of something it means hes a corporate management type. His job is handling people and money, not actually doing any field work lol.
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re: "So you are saying this marine biologist and conservationist and the director of the University of Texas Mission-Aransas Reserve couldn't tell an American eel from Conger eel???"
It would seem so, yes. He may have misID's in the moment & the photographer posted before he confirmed, or he may work mostly in the fresh/estuaries & not seen a conger before, though if at all familiar with eels then this thing just looks wrong...

I was in gradschool with a brilliant woman in yr-3 of a 4yr PhD looking at the impact of P. dovii on native & invasive species in the Black River (Jamaica), her advisors being in Jamaica, Central America (CR, I think) & the US.
Her cichlids had beautiful red eyes...

... and then there's that Jags were brought-in by the tilapia industry to control-for spawned recruits within the farm ponds (which flooded). Myself, I blame her advisors for not paying attention or not knowing (FFS), or subconsciously wanting it to be the "groovier" species and/or having a hammer so making everything look like a nail. However, I was also a little stunned that nobody had asked the guys at Fisheries nor the farmers or any aquarium keeper (before me, the coral-nitwit in the back row)

Her raw science still worked & she was able to make her corrections before submitting/defending her thesis, before anybody "important" noticed. She still owes me that beer... :)

It's weirdly common that nobody notices. I often jokingly challenge people (students) to find the blaring error in my own thesis - so far so good, though writing style might put them to sleep before they get there.

PS: I've kept a number of eels from newly-settled, 2~3" long & they're fantastic wee pets.
Smart & interactive, very active, very strong & very destructive when they get to rummaging, so: big rocks & logs rather than plants & bamboo :)
@andyroo I 've not quite got it. Was she working with jags thinking they were dovii?

Yes, all eels seem smart and extremely quirky.
The eels eat pellets okay-ish and now starting to learn to take fish pieces.

Have a question though: could a 1ft gulper be compatible with these 2-2.5ft eels?

I don’t have much experience to go on but don’t see why there should be any trouble. It’s not a match I would avoid and hence one I would do in my tanks too. The eels and lungfish are pretty ok at swimming both directions so I think tripple G will have somewhat of a problem getting them in the first place, but then the eels especially have the ability to release foul slime if needed.
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