• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

American eels at Fish Story

Always a pleasure to go shopping with my wife; I can sit in the car and watch your vids while she spends our meagre income on silly things like food and clothing. Internet at home is way too slow for such luxurious viewing; I look forward to ice fishing season because there is great cell service out on the ice and I get to catch up on a lot of your stuff there. These eels are one of my favourites among the fish species you keep. :)

And..."18 minutes of therapeutic entropy"?

Best. Title. Ever. :thumbsup:
Always a pleasure to go shopping with my wife; I can sit in the car and watch your vids while she spends our meagre income on silly things like food and clothing. Internet at home is way too slow for such luxurious viewing. These eels are one of my favourites among the fish species you keep. :)

And..."18 minutes of therapeutic entropy"?

Best. Title. Ever. :thumbsup:
I watch Victor's videos while doing exercise.
I don't think it was the wyckii. I believe the she eel is either sick or wants to go to the ocean to breed and die.

One more eel has been moved because of the bullying. One is lost, the one that had been struggling, not eating. 28 nches. Age unknown. So 4/5 remain.

IIRC the eels do not exhibit sexual dimorphism but by size it is one of the bigger ones, which I assumed might be females but without knowledge.

The floor tiles?? Called Mexican tile, clay, hand made and dried in the streets so they have some dog prints on them here and there. Used to be hot 20-30 years ago :) Came with the house - all floors over 8000 sq ft covered with it :)
The worst offender is found. Unfortunately at the expense of a eel.

So 3 for 5. IDK why but I thought they were incredibly tough fish. It doesn't look like it.

Not surprised the eels attack each other. I would guess they all are females. In northern latitudes, eels longer than 40 cm are females for the most part (there's always exceptions with eels🙂). How big were they when you got them? IIRC, they came from New Jersey. Depending on size, they may have been females already.
It's hard to tell from the videos but they may have started to transition to the silver stage, which might explain why some weren't eating. At some point in the yellow to silver transition they stop eating.
They were about 2 feet when we got them, some over, some under. Yes, Jason of Jason's Plecos and Cichlids, the vendor, told me they came from a farm in NJ. Someone else told me that they are genderless until they go to their place of birth on their final journey and only then acquire a gender. So you think or know differently?