uh, I wasnt stating that about you, just most of the people that constantly have something negative to say about Don (a few competitors). No respect (and a lack of knowledge about) someone that has made a huge amount of info available on the species that hes made available to the trade/ hobby as well. His class and knowledge shines through on his replies to you. Much more knowledgeable replies and comments than a few of the one liner jabs his "competition" throws around on here.
Wow, thats all you have? Calling me out on a typo, as if that makes it that I "dont have a clue"? I would expect you to understand typos, of all people. My comment about Wayne was just a quote to signify the relevance and support by someone valid in the trade, not as a current membership list and stature.
Thanks for proving my point Ken.
A marketing genius you are too...your attitude does wonders for sales Im sure.
I do stand corrected on the hybrid comment if it was about admitted hybrids being sold knowingly. I took the comment to mean he was trying to pull fast ones and not let the buyer know they were hybrids, as Ive never experienced that at all with him and am having a really hard time finding one person that has either. I was always well informed on what was new, accidental and experimental.
I also dont take a fish stores word on fish being sold to them as Amphilophus "species conkelii". That sounds more like a fish store that didnt know what they had and made up the name themselves or knowingly purchased hybrids Don jokingly named himself when asked what they were called.