Amphilophus margaritifer

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Wow! I agree, never seen anything like this one and
same as you i would love to have one of these. If they
are in fact extinct that really is a shame,..

Body shape does resemble Amphilophus,..color is better
than any available today! Thanxs for sharing the pic MM,..
Modest_Man;2651103; said:
Some people love Don, some don't. Guess I'm just inexperienced and envious.

uh, I wasnt stating that about you, just most of the people that constantly have something negative to say about Don (a few competitors). No respect (and a lack of knowledge about) someone that has made a huge amount of info available on the species that hes made available to the trade/ hobby as well. His class and knowledge shines through on his replies to you. Much more knowledgeable replies and comments than a few of the one liner jabs his "competition" throws around on here.

fishfarm;2654152; said:
It's Wayne Leibel, he hasn't been the chair of the ACA for about 8 years, Conkel is well know to sell hybrids as real fish, you are the one who doesn't have a clue. Ken

Wow, thats all you have? Calling me out on a typo, as if that makes it that I "dont have a clue"? I would expect you to understand typos, of all people. My comment about Wayne was just a quote to signify the relevance and support by someone valid in the trade, not as a current membership list and stature.

capefeartarheel;2651056; said:
I have however, seen inexperienced and envious people that dont have the knowledge and experience he has, play smear tactics with his findings and classing of cichlids.

Thanks for proving my point Ken.

A marketing genius you are too...your attitude does wonders for sales Im sure.:screwy:

I do stand corrected on the hybrid comment if it was about admitted hybrids being sold knowingly. I took the comment to mean he was trying to pull fast ones and not let the buyer know they were hybrids, as Ive never experienced that at all with him and am having a really hard time finding one person that has either. I was always well informed on what was new, accidental and experimental.

I also dont take a fish stores word on fish being sold to them as Amphilophus "species conkelii". That sounds more like a fish store that didnt know what they had and made up the name themselves or knowingly purchased hybrids Don jokingly named himself when asked what they were called.
capefeartarheel;2669437; said:
uh, I wasnt stating that about you, just most of the people that constantly have something negative to say about Don (a few competitors). No respect (and a lack of knowledge about) someone that has made a huge amount of info available on the species that hes made available to the trade/ hobby as well. His class and knowledge shines through on his replies to you. Much more knowledgeable replies and comments than a few of the one liner jabs his "competition" throws around on here.

Wow, thats all you have? Calling me out on a typo, as if that makes it that I "dont have a clue"? I would expect you to understand typos, of all people. My comment about Wayne was just a quote to signify the relevance and support by someone valid in the trade, not as a current membership list and stature.

Thanks for proving my point Ken.

A marketing genius you are too...your attitude does wonders for sales Im sure.:screwy:

I do stand corrected on the hybrid comment if it was about admitted hybrids being sold knowingly. I took the comment to mean he was trying to pull fast ones and not let the buyer know they were hybrids, as Ive never experienced that at all with him and am having a really hard time finding one person that has either. I was always well informed on what was new, accidental and experimental.

I also dont take a fish stores word on fish being sold to them as Amphilophus "species conkelii". That sounds more like a fish store that didnt know what they had and made up the name themselves or knowingly purchased hybrids Don jokingly named himself when asked what they were called.

LOL, I have no trouble selling fish. This is an old, old topic that has been batted around for years. Revisited every few years when someone finds that picture. I've never said Don doesn't have some good fish, but the margaritfer topic has been discussed for 28 years, ever since he first marketed them. Many, many people in the trade do not believe it is "the" fish. Many articles have been writen about this fish and even if it is a true species. Even Don says it may not be "the" fish, but until proven otherwise he will call it that. Since no one has a preserved specimen to look at scientifically to compare to the holotype, that won't happen unless they are found again in the wild. If he did catch it in Lago Peten fine, next time I talk with Paul Loiselle I will ask him. I would love to be proven wrong. He does market the OB form of Paratheraps fenestradus "Catameco" as Amp sp "Conkeli", I've seen them listed that way.
Envious, hell no, I don't have time for that.
I've know Paul and Wayne for 20 years, I've been on 6 collecting trips with Rusty, with more planed. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. Enjoy your fish. Ken
Oh, Cape, if you are going to be at the Raleigh workshop in March, I'd love to talk with you about it. Ken
fishfarm;2669816; said:
Oh, Cape, if you are going to be at the Raleigh workshop in March, I'd love to talk with you about it. Ken

Well Im supposed to be going to Nicaragua for a surf trip the first 3 weeks of March (my boss just bought a house there), but it looks like the plans may not work for us business wise.

If it falls through, Ill be there for sure and would love to talk more. If things go as planned, Ill be bringing back some WC beauties hopefully.
Cool, Some great fish in Nicaragua, if you need some pointers on keeping the fish alive and getting them back don't hesitate to ask, I've been on 8 trips with two more planned for this year. Ken