Amphilophus margaritifer

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
fishfarm;2670020; said:
Cool, Some great fish in Nicaragua, if you need some pointers on keeping the fish alive and getting them back don't hesitate to ask, I've been on 8 trips with two more planned for this year. Ken

Thanks. The house is in Popoyo and from what Ive been told, its 3 hrs from the nearest airport and not too far from Lake Nicaragua.

Sorry for the derail of topic.

capefeartarheel;2670132; said:
Thanks. The house is in Popoyo and from what Ive been told, its 3 hrs from the nearest airport and not too far from Lake Nicaragua.

Sorry for the derail of topic.
Hey you guys know way too much for youre own good. i do know that rusty is local to me an very well respected i cant wait to meet him maybe at the next local meet oh wait im off topic too> here is to fish keeping and all the knowledge that we learn as we progress in the hobby.
As I said over at I want to believe this is not a hybrid however I have bought many fish over the years from him and they were hybrids like the "Chomba" and also trimacs that came from him. I've also been told his fish are infected pretty badly with lymphocystitis (spelling). I've seen it as well. Don has some great stuff just be careful about what is "wild" or fish that can easily hybridize like Vieja and Hericthys types. Having said this I respect him for what he has done for the hobby and he has been very cordial in all our correspondence.
I e-mailed Rusty Wessel and Paul Loiselle, Here is what Rusty said, have not heard back from Paul yet.

"Not sure about that fish that Conkel says is Margaritiferum. I have never seen the fish before and I seem to remember he told me he caught it in Lake Peten. I have been there many times and have scuba dived the lake and taken many underwater pictures of all the fishes of the lake and I doubt that fish is there. It looks like a cross or something but I really can't say for sure for I don't have all the particulars on this fish. I also seem to remember that Miller was very frustrated with Conkel when he put those pictures of margaritafer in his book and was told to remove them before publishing and apparently Conkel went against Millers wishes and Miller was pissed.This from my personal communication with Miller . Also, to add confusion , the one single specimen of margaritiferum that was catalogued , Miller said the card was incorrect for there was no info on it at all and it looked suspicious. So the fish is somewhere between Peten and going south from the Lake(Salvin's travels). Miller was quite positive it did not come from the lake. I would be interested in what Paul Loiselle has to say, if he was actually there when Conkel caught the 6 fish that he says are margaritiferum. Also, I think his photos of the margaritiferum look similar to the hybrid Ebano or a cross thereof. Eric Hanneman also did some great work on the research of this fish and we were unable to find it on a recent trip."

and the beat goes on.......... Ken
Wow if this is a fairy tale fish, that's a major strike against my opinion of Conkel...which has already gone downhill recently.
Wow. Unfortunately not surprised at all. I tend to believe Rusty as would most advanced hobbyist IMO. Disappointing. Now if I had not had hybrid experience with don I'd be more skeptical. Interesting thread, the first interesting one I've seen in a while.
Well, lots of people here have had the "hybrid experience" with Don, lots have had the "lympho" experience, and lots have had the "wild fish" experience. I've had all three..... Those issues are facts that aren't in question.

Given that, I am very hesitant to take his word over all those other respected individuals, none of whom have the reputation for the problems noted above. It's too bad --- it doesn't make any sense...
As you can see by my username this is "Donald Conkel". Unfortunately, some people have been posting comments and suggestions they don't have complete knowledge of. I will be posting documentation from Dr. Miller refuting said comments. I will gladly respond to any questions anyone has regarding any of my fishes upon being contacted.
Don Conkel
Donald Conkel;2678347; said:
As you can see by my username this is "Donald Conkel". Unfortunately, some people have been posting comments and suggestions they don't have complete knowledge of. I will be posting documentation from Dr. Miller refuting said comments. I will gladly respond to any questions anyone has regarding any of my fishes upon being contacted.
Don Conkel

Mr. Conkel, would you kindly give us some info and background on this fish? Where it's from, how abundant they are, why they're not seen in the hobby and why Miller was allegedly pissed off that you published this fish. Thank you for your time and effort to come here to MFK.