• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

And so the new journey begins...

Ah ha, thanks for that, i've been trying to think what they might be called...

But you are right, they are rare and from what i heard they are only collected for a few months near the end of summer...

I picked up a total of 8 of them, hopefully they arent endagered or i'd feel kinda bad... Unless they breed of course ;)

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Yeah, the lil buggers werent cheap, but i could not resist the striking black and white contrast, not to mention really close up they look a little like a bamboo shark (almost).

To be fair, i did pick up 4 the first day and noticed how amazingly hard they work at eating algae and then decided to pick up 4 more 2 days later...

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I agree, they look like a mini freshwater bamboo shark.. I think their colors change as they mature? But yes they are beautiful and I'd love to own some.

I have 5 cobalt blue gobies in my planted with similar diets... The biofilm and microorganisms found in sunny, oxygenated, steady flowing streams. Are you supplementing them at all or just letting them graze algae/biofilm?

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Since i have shrimp in the tank they get some of their food, on top of that, im sure they must eat some of the nls pellets that fall to the bottom...

But every store i've talked to said they never worry about these guys not getting enough food, the tricky part they said is aclimating them slowly, then they are pretty much tough as a rock...

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Sorry missed the part about the rasboras, no they havent yet, but some of the fish seem to be showing signs they might be ready?

I guess once more grass grows in they might feel more comfortable and ready to breed, or i mean it could entirely be possible they already did under one of the leaves in the thick bushy area of the tank and i just dont know?

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Yeah I'm sure they get some of the Nls pellets, I know my gobies do, I just think too much protein is bad for these guys, but as long as they get algae I bet they will be fine.

More cover will definitely get them in the mood, they like their plants dense.

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Yeah, i've noticed them coming out of the wood works once in a while for a change of scenery and to graze on some of the rocks... Seriously dont think i've seen them stop eating...

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These are the current species living in the tank;

Clown killi fish
Celestial pearl danio
Needle nose pike
Otto cats
Panda loach
And some CRS

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