Another 300gal Rubbermaid pond

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 1, 2011
Denton Tx
So here is the progress so far. working on a little path around it, want to build a cedar pergola over the pond with a porch swing attached to one side to be able to sit and swing by/over the pond. Pump should be in friday, had a simple waterfall box filter I made from a tote I was going to use but didn't want to deal with winterizing so figure I will just make a milk-crate filter for the pump to sit in at the bottom of the pond. The tree in front is a young Red maple that hopefully shade the pond in a couple years. Figured there are already plenty of trees dropping leaves etc im going to have to deal with on the other side, might as well have one in a spot that will provide some shade, as of now the pond gets full sun most of the day so going to be fun trying to control algae.


pretty cool! i was just checking another one of these out on a different site, i think he had his built in a green house. pretty good price for those too, i like the idea.
nice score 50 bucks! Im trying to find one myself!
When i was in brazil they had a 20,000 gallon + pond. It had pacy, some sortt of brazilian carp, and my personal favorite, which u could prob do in texas, were a bunch of rams. They breed like crazy and would follow you around the pond. Why not stok it with a bunch of rams or geophagus w=or maybe 4 or 5 oscars?
BlindSight;5028720; said:
This work?

Looks great. I chose to leave mine a little taller than ground level, trying not to get any runoff into my pond. We tend to throw lots of fertilizer and insecticide out on the lawn.
