Anything Caquetaia!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
The Newport Aquarium replied and said they would like my leftover specs when I want to get rid of them, that is so cool! They said they would even come pick them up. I wish my pair would hurry up and breed so they show me they are a pair capable of producing live offspring.

I took some more pics of the 2 specs that have paired off, this time I took the pics from the side of the aquarum. I didn't clean the inside glass near their corner very well, didn't want to disturb them too much.


Here is one of the female, she has less blue and more orange than the male.


Another shot of the female.

Here's a very brief video. It is just a test, my first with my new camera. I figured the specs were showing some good flaring, so why waste it before I erase it from the SD card. My Kodak Easyshare C330 was giving me a lot of problems lately, so I went out and picked up a Canon Power Shot SD750. Nothing too fancy, but it does have Aquarium Mode which will hopefully simplify things for me and give me a greater volume of pics to choose from before I select ones to post. Also, the audio seems much improved over the Kodak I was using, I kept getting a loud high pitched squealy noise with the Kodak whenever taping my aquariums, didn't hear it on this one. Maybe I'll add some music or some on future videos.

Also, I just got another email from the Newport Aquarium, they still want my remaining specs, this is exciting, can't wait to see them in there. And hopefully the pair I keep will finally breed.
I NNNEEEEEEDDD some o' those how aggressive are they and how big do they grow?
whats the minimum tank size???
The males can hit around 10+ inches, the females a bit smaller. They are aggressive and territorial, but not to the level of something like a Midas. I've kept y 6 in a 90- gallon for about 9 months I'm guessing. They're are getting too cowded now, so I'm going to get rid of 4 of them soon, and keep the pair that formed. The pair should live comfortably by themselves in the 90 I think. To keep a group of six forever together, I would think something like a 150 gallon 72 inch aquarium would work, unless a pair spawns and starts killing the others.
Cool thanks a lot!
Just exchanged e-mails with the Newport Aquarium today. It looks like this Sunday I will drop off 4 of my 6 Spectabiles to them. It will be cool seeing them in there some day. I imagine they'll quarantine them for a little bit before dumping them in there.

Hopefully this might make my pair feel more comfortable and get them breeding. It should stimulate more growth also, with the tank being much less crowded.
I did go to the Newport Aquarium today, and gave them 4 of my 6 Spectabiles. I met with Dan Hagley, who is in charge of running some of the displays. He gave me a tour behind the scenes, very cool. Dan is very knowledgeable and a nice guy too. He seems to have a real interest in his work, and is a cichlid enthusiast also. He really improved the Amazonian display from the last time I was there by adding more wood and more fish. They added sand as a substrate for the rays because the Leporinus (sp?) like to pick at them. Going into the sand helps to protect them. He's considering adding other fish to the display, possibilities include angelfish and or peacock bass. He said he is having a hard time finding peacock bass wholesale. I directed him to the peacock bass forum here at MKF.

Here is a pic of the specs I donated in their new home for 30 days, a quarantine tank.

another shot, lower left tank

a view looking down into the Amazonian display tank they will be going into

After they are released into the display tank sometime next month, I'll take another trip down there and snap some pics and perhaps a video clip. It's pretty exciting for me, can't wait to see them in there.