Anything Caquetaia!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
A few Caquetaia sp "green umbie". In my opinion this will be described as a seperate species eventually. Having kept both umbriferus and sp "green" they seem very different to me in both color and behavior.

Large male


Female with eggs
Thanks for the pics Bob, I love both the myersis and green umbees, I'd love to have either species or both if I had room, the deaded MTS comes to mind. Your pics got me fired up enough to finally post a video of the 4 spectabilis cichlids I donated to the Newport Aquarium last year. The video was shot about October 30th 2008.

I still have my breeding pair. They are rather quite now, I'm trying to whip them back into breeding shape so I can take some fry to the ACA convention.
lostnight-thanks for sharing the video.looking forward to future many fry do you have now and how big are they now?will you be selling any of these?
I traded mine to the lfs, thought that was all I had. Then doing some water changes in the 90 I found one stragler that somehow avoided predation, but he's still tiny, probably too scared to come out and eat. I moved him into his own 20 long, hoping to grow him big enough to put with other fish before my specs decide to breed again. I plan to use this 20 for the growout tank again. I hope to snap a pic of the little fella in the next couple of days, but it won't be easy, he's a bit shy. He probably thinks there is still a Xingu Pike Cichlid lurking around. Maybe a small school of neon tetras will make him feel more secure, and provide a nice snack when he get's some size, hmm.

I hope they breed again soon, and I will consider selling some if they do. I want to take some to the ACA convention at the end of this July, so I'm hitting them with a lot more frequent water changes and a more intense diet to try to get them back in the breeding mood. I was slacking for a few months when I got bought a new motorcycle. The breeding pair I have is a closely bonded couple, they always hang out in the same cave together.
After work today I stooped and bought 3 neon tetras to put with the baby spectabilis. They are fairly close in size. He seems to feel more secure already, he was swimming around a lot more tonight. I think he likes his new friends, which he'll likely eat some day. I snapped some pictures, but it was too tough to get a good one tonight. Here are two pictures anyway.

Thanks for all the info and pics, this is a great thread. I just picked up my first ever Caquetaia today from Ken Davis, it's a spectabilis. Here's a couple pics.


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I have 3 7-8+" Myersi. Cool fish. Big male is almost solid gold at 8+". Hardly any barring. The other male is almost that size but has the barring shown in the other pics. Maybe a dominance thing.