I traded mine to the lfs, thought that was all I had. Then doing some water changes in the 90 I found one stragler that somehow avoided predation, but he's still tiny, probably too scared to come out and eat. I moved him into his own 20 long, hoping to grow him big enough to put with other fish before my specs decide to breed again. I plan to use this 20 for the growout tank again. I hope to snap a pic of the little fella in the next couple of days, but it won't be easy, he's a bit shy. He probably thinks there is still a Xingu Pike Cichlid lurking around. Maybe a small school of neon tetras will make him feel more secure, and provide a nice snack when he get's some size, hmm.
I hope they breed again soon, and I will consider selling some if they do. I want to take some to the ACA convention at the end of this July, so I'm hitting them with a lot more frequent water changes and a more intense diet to try to get them back in the breeding mood. I was slacking for a few months when I got bought a new motorcycle. The breeding pair I have is a closely bonded couple, they always hang out in the same cave together.