Anything Caquetaia!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Mojo, is there a chance of linking the photos so there isnt an MFK watermark? If so I'll insert them where they should be sans MFK watermark.
Caquetaia are commonly referred to as the "false" basketmouth cichlid because of their resemblance with the ACARONIA nassa.
HarleyK;508827; said:
Great info, Ben.

I do not see what the negative fuzz is all about. Sources were cited. It's great work to bring it all together. Thank you.


Thanks a lot Harley. Much appreciated. :D

Ash;508692; said:
well first off no need for de-railment. Anyways as for the content of this entire thread, I ve looked it over and I dont see anything wrong with it as it does have the links incroprated to where the information came from and as long as it has that its not plagerized.

Benfica540;509049; said:
Caquetaia are commonly referred to as the "false" basketmouth cichlid because of their resemblance with the ACARONIA nassa.

Interesting. So there is morphological similarities? I have only ever owned one A. Nassa. It was in the pond for three years and got very large. 9" fin extensions. Really nice fish. I tried breeding them without any luck. I eventually gave the fish to Jeff Rapps.

Here's the only three shots I have just prior to putting him in the pond. The Meeki was ful ly grown.




Here's the large male Blue Umbee and his mate:



And of course the Green Panamanian Umbee:



Female in breeding dress:

rallysman;509005; said:
Mojo, is there a chance of linking the photos so there isnt an MFK watermark? If so I'll insert them where they should be sans MFK watermark.

yes. they have the watermarks because Benfica downloaded the images to his computer and then added them as attachments to the post. they need to be removed as attachments and then reinserted into the post using the
Buncha fun times in this thread. Learned much have I...haha. Very kewl....nice to know about the watermark as well....if i img. it it won't be there? Kewl beans!! :P....anywhooot!! Great info and effort ben for takin all the time to put this together......;)
Aquamojo;508992; said:
My main point of contention was the additional MFK watermark on my photo. Period.

John, I don't remember them being call false basketmouth's. Is this in reference to the "basket mouth" Acaronna Nassa...being the TRUE basket mouth? Or is that just the common moniker slapped on the fish?

As others have stated, the Acaronia species are the true basket mouth cichlids. As far as spawning Acaronia nassa, the only person I know that has managed it so far is Dr Wayne Leibel. The article link is here:

I just noticed that the article is 21 years old, holy crap do I feel old now. :cry:

The other species, Acaronia vultuosa, has been spawned by Rainer Stawikowski in Germany.
WOW BEN GREAT JOB>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:headbang2
nice work on the profiles. The first fish I ever owned was a Caqueta myersi. Bought from the lfs as an unknown cichlid for $7 at 4". This fish killed groumai's, an african dwarf frog, and an L246 pleco. I was upset but the way the Caqueta myersi always stretched his mouth made me refuse to give him up. Ended up moving out of state and had to trade him in. I'm interestied in picking up another Caqueta myersi, anyone know where to look. I have read they are rare.