Aquarium silicone sealant comparisons

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I got my 100 gallon tank for free cause it leaked and i scraped off all the silicone and went to home depot and got window/door clear silicone ge-1 and it worked perfectly with no problems... and i read that the only difference between ge1 and ge2 was that ge2 was 80 percent of the strength of ge1
amehel0;1463738; said:
ge construction is the strongest sealent availble for fish tank use. i work as a n aquarium builder and its what i use.

were can i buy ge construction sealent? i was over at menards at home depot looking for that stuff today. im getting ready to build my 300g.
So these are the main ones that people are saying best?
Dose any one have proof that one is better than the other?

GE construction
Dow Corning 732, 1205 primer(dow 832 black but stronger)
scs 1200

i really just don't feel like reading all 20 pages
bigfishlittle_fish;4623548; said:
sumone educate me on this stuff plz. dumb ? bt wats ge??

GE is is short for General Electric

It is a large company they make every thing from plane engines to silicone :ROFL:
Correct; I think the only difference I've noticed is the in the packaging
ricoishere;4350521; said:
This is so interesting, in 1 minute I found datasheets for both. In the end, GE does NOT say to use underwater because of liability. But here are links for all to make their own decisions. I have multiple tanks which I've sealed using both. No leaks, noe dead fish. I'm happy, as are many whove contributed to this thread. Toeach his own. Files/Documents/Data Sheets/2047.html

rooski;4374265; said:
i know this one guy and he ran a fish store for a little over 10 years , and he has been using RTV white lightning silicone for all his tanks/repairs , he says the silicone shouldn't matter as long as its 100% silicone. only one problem , i picked up a tube of it today and on the front it says "cured sealant resists mildew growth", from what Ive been reading that is a very bad thing for aquariums.

so i was just wondering what you guys thought about that as he has been keeping fish alive and healthy in tanks sealed with that silicone.

Okay, So I have the GE 1 and it doesn't mention ANYTHING abuot being mold and mildew resistent and it's 100% Silicone! BUT it's Kitchen and Bath! So how do I found out IF it actuaklly has this stuff in it or not? If it's 100% silicone and DOESN'T sy that it'smjildew/ mold resistent then i'm fine????

Thanks in advance. If I can avoid taking this stuff back to HD then I will but If I need to because it does indeed have M/M resistence additive then Fine!
There has been a few who have used the mold resistant silicone and all was fine. Just wash the tank quite well. GE 1 Window and Door is what most use. It doesn't have the mold resistance in it. If it doesn't say it anywhere it should be fine though. The ones that have said it has the mildew resistance it clearly says it on the front label.
packer43064;4757905; said:
There has been a few who have used the mold resistant silicone and all was fine. Just wash the tank quite well. GE 1 Window and Door is what most use. It doesn't have the mold resistance in it. If it doesn't say it anywhere it should be fine though. The ones that have said it has the mildew resistance it clearly says it on the front label.

This is the label of what I have!

