Aquarium Sump Calculator

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 23, 2006
I decided to make a calculator which calculate the size sump for you by dimensions, and not soley on gallons as that can be a bad idea.

The calculate is coded in MS Excel 97-2003 format. In this tough economy, I am unsure if I want to sell this for cheap to get extra cash to help pay the bills or offer it for free. So during this time untill I finish it, I will be offering a demo version which has limited calculations.

If I were to sell it, it wouldn't be much at all. Maybe $15-20 US. This thread is not to sell this. Only to get feedback on the ASC.

I will be including contact times eventually once I think of how I want it to calculate it.

Click HERE for the ASC (Aquarium Sump Calculator). XLS file is about 25 Kb. I just uploaded the new version that works.
Latest Version 1.13 2009 Demo

Let me know what you think of it. I find it VERY helpful when tell others what size sump they should use.

Take care,

Dr Joe

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 8, 2006
Sixty Miles South of Tampa Florida
So what percentage does MFK get for Beta testing it for you :D.

I get nodda... (well it does calculate the tank gallonage)

55g tank or 168g tank

I think rule of thumb (1/3 volume of tank for heavy bio-load and 1/4 for normal load) is really alot quicker and easier.

"A" for effort tho. ;)

You know what they say...Don't give up your day job :ROFL: :j/k:

Dr Joe



Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 23, 2006
Thats the rule that really annoys me because you dont need all of the volume. You really don't

What do you mean when you say "you got nadda"? Did it not work for you? The Demo version will only find 5 pre determined sizes for you. It lets you know if you can use that size or not.

There is a big difference when looking a sump design. Especially when figuring dimensions to use.
A 48x24x24 will hold more water at a 6" water level in the sump then a 24x24x48 which will hold much less.
The 48x24x24 can hold LESS aquarium siphone water than the 24x24x48 sump. Both hold the same amount 119 gallons but may not be able to be use on the same thanks.

This is where the ASC comes in handy. The 1/3 rule does not perform this, I have to look further into this rule, but it could lead to overflows for smaller tanks... its just an assumption as of now but I will be looking into this further.

The point of this calc is to tell people what the minimum size sump they can use and get rid of the 1/3 volume because its giving people the wrong impression. The point of a large sump is to hold all the water which gets siphoned out from the aquarium when the pump shut off.

The impression its giving is, Sump really suck and biological filtration so you need a TON MORE than a canister needs....

In a 65 Gallon Sump, I can design it to have over 650 liters of bio media. That is a CRAP LOAD! You don't need more than that.

You go larger to support the volume of water that needs to by siphoned from the tank during a pump shut down.

Camshaft Ramrod

Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 10, 2008
Orlando, FL
So I'm assuming putting that 170 gallon sump with 2000 scrubbies on my 210 gallon was overdoing it...:D


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 23, 2006
haha, holy crap. Um ya, I would have told you that without the calculator. haha. A 45-55 Gallon sump would have been good.

BTW, your avator freeks my the hell out. LOL. Everytime I see


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 28, 2006
Sunnyvale Trailer Park
Jgray152;2699842; said:
BTW, your avator freeks my the hell out. LOL. Everytime I see
You should see him in person...
...pig tails and all.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Nov 28, 2007
Nice, but i think this is a lost effort here. The number one problem a newer aquarium owner has when trying to make a sump is actually laying it out correctly and building it to work the best it can with the given space. So if you wanted to help then do a huge write up showing how to lay out a sump and where to put all the baffles and why. Also there are many things you can do to have very little syphon the sump pump turn off. There are syphon breaks (holes) you can put just below the water line. So when it stops the only syphon is what the hose has in it. And there are check valves. And also if you put the out let right at the surface of the tank there is no syphon there.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 28, 2006
Sunnyvale Trailer Park
I didn't play with the calculator yet so I can't give you a critical review right now. However, successful filter volumes vary widely. HOBs typically are in the range of 1/100 of the tank (I'm going off of memory, which shouldn't be relied on right now). Japanese style tanks typically are in the range of 50% of the tank volume.

Tank drainage is fairly complex math wise (without approximations or assumptions). The variables are overflow type, size, flow rates, and tank dimensions. I look forward to seeing how thorough you were making the calculator. :thumbsup:


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 28, 2006
Sunnyvale Trailer Park
The major flaw with the calculator is it requires the tank to already be set up and in operation to find the difference in the water height (when the pump is on and when it is off). The calculator won't help in the design phase without taking a wild guess. :(

Secondly, the sump size calculator is locked. Also, there isn't an explanation for the chart below the directions. Most of that is locked too.
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