Aquarium Sump Calculator

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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 28, 2006
Sunnyvale Trailer Park
Nic;2845117; said:
are you saying there is a version of windows with no bugs or problems??? how much is it and when can i get a copy..:ROFL:
Apparently Pauls mom quit for some reason. Probably because her ears kept popping every time she went to the Microsoft building...(Microsoft sucks)

Anyway, they didn't take all of her suggestions to heart. The famous one was she didn't like it that you had to click the Start button to shut down the computer.

Nic;2845117; said:
... simplest way to size your sump is how big can you fit in your stand just MHO.....


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Oct 8, 2005
outside philly
metalyx;2845069; said:
Ooooh boy do I love a good forum feud!

In the end we really have to ask the question, who would benefit most from this sort of a tool? Odds are on the person with a lot of money but a little personal interest. I hate to say it, but are we not looking for the keepers of monster fish? Not for the usual aquarist? Those who could use info don't need to because we all pick this info up on the way. Kind of like a drug addict is a critic of drugs so to do we do what must be done. For all of those who don't, great. Casual fish owners are what keep the trade alive for the rest of us. If everything we got lived forever, none of us would have anything.

Can we not end this tiff? Functional advice forums, not religious debate.

Swim on.

actually most of this forum is a bunch of common cichlids in a 55 gallon.... very few are actually on "THE NEXT LEVEL"


Staff member
MFK Member
Feb 18, 2008
CHOMPERS;2845036; said:
You make Rube Goldberg very sad. :(

I have a few crazy Excel docs myself though. But they're all personal. When it comes to building stuff.....I get serious.

Dr Joe

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 8, 2006
Sixty Miles South of Tampa Florida
This whole 'calculator' this came about for entirely the wrong reason. It was meant to prove the 1/4 - 1/3 Rule of Thumb was incorrect, instead it proved that with an Excel spread sheet and a lot of calculations you can parallel the Rule very closely.

What this also proves is a tool should not be created just to complicate things and prove that a tool can be made (a three spaded shovel comes to mind).

All of the negative connotations in this thread and others in other forums does prove that if you ask for opinions it is not the same thing as asking for help. Then not accepting these opinions and actually debating them can only make a situation worse. Then taking offense when someone offering an opinion takes offense because their opinion is being trashed in a debate that they never wanted to get into ... Everyone see how is can have the snowball effect?!

I want to thank all who put in opinions / constructive criticism and effort, as MFK always welcomes your opinion, but remember, if your opinion is not based on solid facts it will be brought to bare, as MFK is here to find and display the truth.

In the end there is only ONE theing that matters....... the FISH.

And now, at the OP's request we close this thread.

Dr Joe

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