Arapaima Gigas and tank mates??

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Troll troll is troll. Anybody who know what an ara is will know that anything under ridiculously huge is too small.

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Pretty sure this is a joke... first off no way you found an Arapaima for $50. Second, there's no chance that you could ACTUALLY get a tank big enough for one. A 300 gallon tank would be outgrown in a year.:grinno:
From his other posts this sounds real he defiantly has the bass which in itself is messed up. It's funny that people assume this is a troll post as no one on this site ever keeps huge fish in tiny tanks...
Seriously though, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out where to put a 600 gal tank in my house. 600 gal isn't even big enough for an arapaima to grow out and thrive. Imagine trying to feed a full grown paima. I spend enough money feeding my silver aro and two Achara cats better yet one paima. It would be cool to say that you own an arapaima, but you'll get hated on as soon as you mention what size tank you have.

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From his other posts this sounds real he defiantly has the bass which in itself is messed up. It's funny that people assume this is a troll post as no one on this site ever keeps huge fish in tiny tanks...

I don't think its the fact that's its a huge fish for a small tank. Its more of anyone who knows anything about fish knows these fish grow to be massive. I've never kept dats don't even know much about em but I can say off the top a 30 is probably too small. I don't understand how he was expecting not to catch heat about this subject when the ethics of fish keeping thread talks about this exactly. So I would say a troll also.

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His case is quite common in Asia, cheap fish and vendors who will sell any one anything. (assuming thats where hes from). Had an eastern europe guy come into my work to buy an entire 55g set up, and then demanded 5 silver arrowanas to be pre-ordered, couldn't tell him different. Some people are just stubborn and ignorant.

Edit: saw he's from CA, now I'm thinking troll, I doubt he could get a paima that cheap and that size at this time of year in CA.

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I don't think its the fact that's its a huge fish for a small tank. Its more of anyone who knows anything about fish knows these fish grow to be massive. I've never kept dats don't even know much about em but I can say off the top a 30 is probably too small. I don't understand how he was expecting not to catch heat about this subject when the ethics of fish keeping thread talks about this exactly. So I would say a troll also.

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I had my dat in a 20g long for nearly 2 months and he only grew from 1" to 2"
they are EXTREMELY slow growers unless you can wean them onto pellets. so a 30g would be an acceptable grow out tank for a datnoid.