Love this ^ lmfao I do agree sir you are in way over your head... GOOD LUCK ! lol
Love this ^ lmfao I do agree sir you are in way over your head... GOOD LUCK ! lol
From his other posts this sounds real he defiantly has the bass which in itself is messed up. It's funny that people assume this is a troll post as no one on this site ever keeps huge fish in tiny tanks...
I don't think its the fact that's its a huge fish for a small tank. Its more of anyone who knows anything about fish knows these fish grow to be massive. I've never kept dats don't even know much about em but I can say off the top a 30 is probably too small. I don't understand how he was expecting not to catch heat about this subject when the ethics of fish keeping thread talks about this exactly. So I would say a troll also.
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