Arapaima Gigas and tank mates??

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I even wrote my name on my hand to prove it! proved you guys all wrong.. im not from asia or you would tell if i had an accent.. im not a troll either! I know pimas grow huge and require at least 1,000 gallon tank! that is exactly why i am selling mine! look up P & P tropical fish and call and ask if they were selling pimas for 50 bucks each if you pre ordered them! i pre ordered mine and got it for 50! if you dont pre order then its around 100.. so there you go!

Sorry, but i think you left out a 0 from the end of that number... try more like 10,000G, also, good luck trying to sell a fish that will get HUGE to another person, unless you plan on selling it to the first person who pays what you are after regardless how the fish is housed...
Sorry, but i think you left out a 0 from the end of that number... try more like 10,000G, also, good luck trying to sell a fish that will get HUGE to another person, unless you plan on selling it to the first person who pays what you are after regardless how the fish is housed...
I think he forgot the 0, I can't imagine how can a 400lbs fish can even fit into a 1000 gallon tank!
I honestly don't even get the mentality. Getting a fish that requires 10,000 gallons and growing them out, stunting them in the process and then trying to find long term home for it afterwards. There are very few private aquariums that are large enough to house that beast, and I don't know about anyone else but where I live (Minneapolis/St. Paul area) there aren't that many public aquariums that could even house it.

So what are you going to do once you've stunted a 400lb fish and can't find a permanent home for it?
You have no buissiness with such large fish if you don't have tanks for them. Why don't you stick to live bearers and cory doras catfish? You could keep them in a 30 gal. for life. Iam not trying to be funny but trying to help you.
... and I don't know about anyone else but where I live (Minneapolis/St. Paul area) there aren't that many public aquariums that could even house it.

You actually have the largest freshwater aquarium in North America (and possibly the world) in your backyard. You also have the second largest Amazon display in the world right there, too. The arapaima in that display came from a member on this forum in Orlando and was transported up there on a 36 hr move. Just sayin'. :)
You actually have the largest freshwater aquarium in North America (and possibly the world) in your backyard. You also have the second largest Amazon display in the world right there, too. The arapaima in that display came from a member on this forum in Orlando and was transported up there on a 36 hr move. Just sayin'. :)

Yeah, it's awesome. I go every time my niece from Utah comes to visit...I use it as an excuse :)

But it's not like there are a lot of public aquariums out there with large enough tanks to keep people's 'pets' that they bought for their 55g tank that grow larger then the tank itself.