• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Argus Monitor

Ok so everything has been going great other then a small but not good problem that has come hope I was praying wouldn't happen! The tip of the tail is not looking so good and im guess the little part will fall of soon with know way to save it! What I want to ask is how to keep this from happening again or from this happening to his toes since i have heard of that happening. I dust everything I feed him, even the pinkies So I would think that he would be getting enough calcium with D3 from that to prevent this from happening. I have 2 different type so you guys tell me which one I have is the best or if i need to go a different one. I do not have a uvb light on him since they say its not really needed for monitors but seeing this happen im thinking maybe I should just to be safe.
The other thing is what kinda looks like a burn light on the bridge of his tail, not sure if this is just do to maybe shedding or if it really is a burn. I have pictures of all of these questions that way you all can see what I'm talking about. Also some of the feet/ toes that way you can see they still look great.

So Please let me know what calcium to be using?
Should I start using a uvb light just to be safe?
Do you think its a burn mark on his Tail?

All pictures are from a bath/ soak and handling session.

Tail tip


Feet/ Toes








Calcium I'm using

Random shots









I know a ton of pictures but I cant help it with this little guy! :grinno:
i use fluckers but zoo med is good to
how often dose he eat pinkys and have u ever tried the lil fuzzys the ones that just start growing hair der a lil bigger then pinks but they have more calcium
i have a uvb light for my monitors i belive it helps prosses the calcium
but i think your doing great he looks healty and alert leave the tail alone sometimes things just happen maybe he tail wiped and broke the tip
i noticed that healty and alert montiors hurt them selves more cus they are more active and like to explore just make sure the tanks safe and everything is placed right so nothing can fall on him
and i dont think it got burned if the temps are right that should be the case and is his basking area on a rock?
His basking spot is a clay hide and the temp gets to 130 mid day. But its not his under side that I'm worried its the middle top of his tail. He gets pinkies twice a week. Im not sure if he is big enough yet to take fuzzies but I need to get more from my supplier so maybe this time ill go with them. I know there not much bigger so ill give that a shot.
Everything is in place to it can not fall on him no matter how much he moves it about. I just need to hurry and get his new home built cause I worry about then I take him out he always runs into the glass. There is no damage to is nose tho since I do it pretty fast to avoid that from happening. He is very acted so I'm really happy about that and doesn't run and hide when I come into the room, even if he is hiding he come out to investigate.
Like I said he's doing great other then those few things.
so the calcium I have is perfect then right. I mean I have never had a problem with any of my other herps and I use it for all them.
I think I will put a uvb light on him just to be safe. He has a screen top tho so wont that block the uvb?
Thank you!
He is a stunning little guy.
What is the humidity in the tank, from my experience, loss of toes and tail tips is largely because of low humidity
What is the humidity in the tank, from my experience, loss of toes and tail tips is largely because of low humidity

I always thought it was from lack of calcium. Let me double check that this afternoon as I know it should be 60% or more.
Chopped up adult mice are on the menu today :)
Ill see how he likes them since he will get a more calcium out of them.

As for the the humidity it was lower then I had thought so that was a great Idea and I thank you very much for giving me the heads up to check that Methos75. It was at 48 so my plan is to get it to say around 70% so ill have to black off some of the screen top to make sure to keep as much in there as I can till the new home in complete.