Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
coal grunter aye mad little fish, i also like sooty grunter, im getting one very very soon cant wait. i have 2 barras myself, i love how they eat!!!!

the fish you see are 2 different fish, ones name is barry and the other murry,sounds a bit like barramundi. and im selling them next week hopefully :(so im gonna take heaps of pics and a new vid of em eating.

Cammo X


ok dude who asked bout starting tank wid mouthalmighties
coal grunters can get aggressive if they arent with fish 2x the size. also mouth almighties i can get 2 you fer 10 bux eachjust send me a private message. also cammox
so sad u have to sell thoose big bad barraz but sumtimz u have to do whats best and ur doin it also nice barraz i luv there golden-ness.
hardb0iled;1485538; said:
..some pics of my Murray Cod ;)

He looks awesome!!! I'll definitly have one within the next 6 months.

And amehel0, I will probably be keen for some mouth almighties in a little while... cool to help me out when the time comes?
yeah coal grunters are awesome and I am aware of how narcy they get. I have only seen one for sale once, wish i had got him when i saw it.
Awesome barra's man, are you keeping them in a brackish environment to get that colour out of em?
Hope my barra is that nice when he grows up and yeah they are one of the best fish to watch feed for sure. Gotta love the projectile mouth thingy they have haha

Only thinking about mouth almighties at this stage as I am already looking at a new tank for a coal grunter and may need a new one for the mouthy, they do look awesome as juvies though. I may contact you about them though I would like to see one in a tank somewhere to get a better idea as have only seen them in pics on the net.
great fish everyone!
hey hardboiled.
long time no talk. your cod's looking madd.
I still remember the pics of him when he was practically a tadpole.
how big would he be now? pushing 2ft?
yeh thtas cool .
MY murray cod dide overnight for no apparent reason. and i was so stressed looking fer **** being late fer work and 4 peeps asking me sum question all at once that i smacked my elbow through a window with out meaning to which nw means 15 stitchs
Yeah, and he such a solid fish too.
looking so good.
At the moment ive got a little golden and a reddy in my 6ft'er.
A tandanus cat in 2ft, i thought he was on his way out, so put in there for quarintine, but hes fighting fit again.
and in the 6x2x2 ive got a giant gippsland cray, whos an awsome guy. angry as buggery.
but im guna set up the garage as a fish room, get the 6x2x2 out there and properly set it up for the cat. im guna have a go at making a sump, but im guna look at using pvc pipe and elbows to siphon the water out of the tank, cause i wouldnt wanna risk taking it somewhere to get drilled.
But seeing the pics of ure cod has made me hella jealous, so i mite look at getting a 4x2x2 or something lyk that, and gettin another cod. and seeing it grow to a decent size.
He's mouth is enormous too, do u still have him on whitebait?