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Aussie natives Stocking.

nice cod btw where have u been gruntaz? havnt seen u on here fer ages
yeah i know. rarely check this much anymore starting to get back into fish thinking of getting myself some natives. only have my barcoo and an umbee atm.
Picked up a school of silver perch today, I was going to go for bass but changed my mind. I decided to go for something that will school rather than tear chunks out of each other! They seem to be settling in very well.

Hes a pretty cool cod hey! Thanks!
with silvers make sure u provide ample caves as they will take to caves very well but once you change it round there will be fighting till they once again establish caves psoace etc.
hey silver perch are a bit nastier than bass, bass will chase and nip but dont particularly do it that bad, silvers when kept in groups are fine they just fight among each other but make sure you have a couple or a large tank just two together can cause a lot of stress to one fish. But not always ive had it work
yehp definetl i waqs told silver perch are really aggressive i thought bs. i put them both in a 5' and lots of caves they shared a cave. then i switched my aqua scape they smashed each other till once again they shared a cave then i siwitched again and they fough for ages till now at 25cm they have settled and live in a massive 10' round 2' high pond
Chooka;1189060;1189060 said:
Still may go a little deeper when i clean it up with the shovel....
You dug all that with a shovel?? I've dug a few holes, and the shovel must just be for cleaning up is it? One way or the other excellent effort.