Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
they are youll need to wait till atleast october mayve later. i occaisonally do work for an aquaculture farm i might be able to get u a lil one for cheap!
I have a lil 7cm Sooty Grunter atm. He is a psycho, attacks the siphon whenever i clean the tank,and attacked a floating bit of driftwood 1.5 feet long. Will put pics up when i get a light for the tank.
Oh, and does anyone know how fast are they supposed to grow, and when do they get sooty?
nice barra! no more natives rid off em for my silver arowana and soon im getting in spotted no mare natives
Currently holding:
Bullrout(Notesthes robusta)x 5
Butis butis x 3
Mouth Almighty(Glossamia aprion) x 6
Snakehead gudgeon(Ophieleotris aporos) x 5
Flathead goby(Glossogobius giurus) x 5
Oxyeleotris selheimi/gyrinoides x 3
Spot-fin goby(Redigobius chrysozona) x 4
Mulgrave goby (Glossogobius sp)x 4
Jungle perch (Kuhlia rupestris)x 35