Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hey guys have cycled my 8x2x2 and currently have 2 x 20cm barra and 2 x 10cm salmon tail cats :) Trying to find a few peices of drift wood, archer fish, sleepy cod and either a murray cod, short finned eel or some type of perch. Any suggestions and advise will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks ben.
Hey guys, how much flow is too much for a 6' tank of 810L. I have a fx5 and will be doing a sump on it, need to know what size sump pump to go with.
Eric A;4204069; said:
Hey guys, how much flow is too much for a 6' tank of 810L. I have a fx5 and will be doing a sump on it, need to know what size sump pump to go with.

depends on the stock really... id go for around 4/5000 liters ph
Go for the biggest turnover/hr you can eric. If you make a custom spray bar using black pvc with lots of big holes you will disperse the flow and won't get a whirlpoool effect or insane currents.
hey guys

i have 1x murray cod 1x barra

both will only eat live food please please private msg me with info on these fish i have never had natives before i also have a thread called how do i look after a barra and murray cod the guy at the aquairum shop is a idiot/novice told me there exact same as having tropical fish told me to have my heater on 29 ....... when recommended is 26c but ive also been told off a freind that highest u should go with a cod is around 23c

also read somewhere that u should add a bit of salt to your water but never said how much per ltr

also need info on seting up a bath tub as a quarintine breeding tank for swordtails/rainbowfish/fantail feeders i catch roughly 2000 in 15 to 20 mins in a waterway near me not 2000 of each all mixed useing a crayfish nets

i want to keep these fish for a long time and have them very healthy
is it ok just to feed live food or will they lack nutrition how can i get them eating pellets tryed diffrant brands and size sinking and floating even tryed not feeding them anything for 1 week then puting pellets in with no luck so i gave up

any help would be great and much appreciated since i live around aquarium places that employ imcompitant idiots
masone;4205434; said:
Go for the biggest turnover/hr you can eric. If you make a custom spray bar using black pvc with lots of big holes you will disperse the flow and won't get a whirlpoool effect or insane currents.

I've been told 7000lph through the sump, added to the 3500lph of the Fx5. This needs to to a solid filter, because there going to be some VERY cool and rare fish in it in the next few months to a year.

I will do up a paint of what I'd like to do, and you can tell me what improvements need to be done.