Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Welcome mate,
Mr. Native at Cambelltown has a good selection of Natives, not to far away, easy ship to Canberra.
No P Bass juvies left sold Cam 5 for $100 gave 5 away. Can get more next week still too cold to risk shipping south to you guys wait till it warms up.
Very good chance of some Tems soon.
Hello fellow aussie members i am after some reticulated hillstream loaches (sewellia lineolata) if anyone knows of any for sale please let me know.
Thanks for the warm welcome fellas.

Ta for the suggestions too - I've spent a heap of time cruising around online finding places that ship hardware/fish (much to my girlfriend's horror). Got some decent fish/shrimp etc from places like Livefish & CichlidsDirect.

Have seen heaps of interesting things on Petstock - including some nice stuff from Shannon (aka Mr Native). Most people aren't keen to ship though (understandable). Haven't asked Mr Native if he'd ship but may end up doing that. Interested in some of the stuff he does and his prices are pretty decent.

@Aussiemonsters - may try and hit you up for some monos once things get warmer down here if you're able to help out but tems will have to remain a dream till I get my private lake :D

@Darsie - Hey, had no idea there were any Canberrans here. Typical you say it's getting a bit warmer and then today's all cold and rainy. :) Still, soon enough it'll be 38 and stinking humidity.
How big do tems get? finding lots of differnt measurements online anyone got any pics of some full size ones
Thanks for the link. Some nice big fish there. Theres no way i would be thinking bout one with out a pond.
@Darsie - Hey, had no idea there were any Canberrans here. Typical you say it's getting a bit warmer and then today's all cold and rainy. :) Still, soon enough it'll be 38 and stinking humidity.

Your the only other canberran i know. haha yeah, it especially sucks when you work outdoors

Dont tems grow quicker aswell?