Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Were they getting to a impressive size. Would have loved to have owned one. Had my eye on a platinum barra down here. He was at $3k the start of the year and now down to $2k. Might offer him $1500 if its still there end of the year.
Update on these guys (or girls? I think they are all still boys). Apparently there is a red on its way to Japan :(

They were 50 cm or so, got $ 500 for the Albino at 45 cm, not worth the price that some people have been asking IMO.
Bob should hurry up and do something with those guys.
Masonethat orange/gold is beautifull mate. When yousay red do youmean like a bright shiny red like that gold one.
Your telling me Steve, been talking about it for a long time, needs to do it before they turn, much easier to milk a male. Chris, red as in blood red and shiny. Bob got a sneak peek, said it was pretty bloody impressive (no pun intended). The gold is still regaining it's full colour after they nearly died from the power outage in the cyclone, in real life it is bang on. Will take the dslr down next weekend and get some clear shots and vid.
Thats amazing, red would be BLOODY beautifull. That gold is crazy though. Love it mate.
Hey guys

Been lurking on here for a few months doing a heap of research since I got my first pretty big tank. Finally getting off my arse to post something - figured it was only right that I should say hi to the other Aussies here first. Seems most of you lads are either in Sydney or up in Queensland. Me, I'm down in frosty Canberra. Pain in the butt getting decent fish down here since you have to mail order just about everything other than the usual average stuff.

At the moment I'm running three tanks:
Smallish tall hexagonal for feeder grow-out
6'x2'x2' with an Eastern Long Neck turtle and variety of medium size barbs/danios/gudgeons etc
2mx76cmx76cm with bigger cichlids/catfish etc

Currently on the hunt for some P Bass - only place I could find to order them from was CichlidsDirect - and they've sold out damn it!

Anyway - nice to meet you guys.
Nice to see another canberran. atleast its getting slightly warmer haha. i know what you mean about getting decent fish. placed an order for some dovii and the answer i got was his mate waited 6months for salvini and doviis usually pop up more regular than that. so i could be waiting for a few months. never tried the online order thing though
Hey mate and welcome yeah steve's got P.Bass juvies. Wasgoing to buy them the other week but he'll only do pick up on them. I'm Spewin hard.