Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
well I guess I can join in :D 45+cm Jardini and a mangrove jack ^_^!!!! I waited all year for the jack and got a call today man I got this little guy and an umbee ( 20 or so other fish also) but they are tanks right next to one another and I cant decided who I like more I have never had such small fish (1-2 inch) being so playful, I must say they do have a massive appetite, nice looking fish cant wait for him to grow up! I was going to get some jungle perchs etc but might wait and start a full native tank.
I recently picked up some wild barra no more then 2 inches long got 3 of but will probly give 2 of to my old man once his tank is back up and running, considering staying with native bass with them or going to cichla (i luv peacock bass so much)

2 barra.jpg

1 of the barra still hiding he is also alot darker in colour with some nice strips

2 barra.jpg
well I guess I can join in :D 45+cm Jardini and a mangrove jack ^_^!!!! I waited all year for the jack and got a call today man I got this little guy and an umbee ( 20 or so other fish also) but they are tanks right next to one another and I cant decided who I like more I have never had such small fish (1-2 inch) being so playful, I must say they do have a massive appetite, nice looking fish cant wait for him to grow up! I was going to get some jungle perchs etc but might wait and start a full native tank.

I got a little umbee a couple months ago. settled in real quick begging for food. awesome fish to keep
Out of curiosity, where have the Arapaimas gone? The last I saw was a 60-70cm one sold here in Brisbane maybe a year ago.

Havane't seen any for a loooong time. Think my mate still has a pair in a pool but they would be 5 yrs old now and getting well big. Over 1m when I last saw them a few years back.

Anyway, what are you doing back, thought you went all marine?
At least they're still here.

Me? Well I wouldn't really say I'm back, if anything I'm behind where I was before. I have sold my 6x2x2.5, and bought some cars instead haha. All I have fish wise at the moment is a little 18L self contained tank, with 5 green neon tetras and a lot of vallis and crypts. My plans as far as fish goes, well there is none real concrete ideas. I would like to actually go for a monster tank, with a width of 3 feet or more, but I'm in year 12 and it's an important year, it sets me up for the rest of my life so im sorta focussing on that while visiting here occasionally (thanks to the app haha) and realising I really would like to have big fish again. But as a mate said, there plenty of time for fish in the future so I'll wait and if an aptly price tank come wondering my way that I simply can't resist, well then I won't say no haha.

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