Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yeah you'd imagine especially with the amount of water needed for them. Where abouts are you from mate?

Who wants to see what my 6' turned into? ;)


What it needs and what I want are a tad different. I've got the running gear from another XC to drop into her, and then a few little bits and pieces for road worthy, few rust spots etc.

What I want to do is get extractors and a good manifold and 2v or 4v carby. It's got a full exhaust in it already. It will have a 250 with a C4. Soon I'll bring her in the shed and strip the paint from the engine bay to paint it. I'll then do the rest of the car as the interior need to come out anyway, I'll paint it all black. I would like to change the colour of the interior but I can always wait for that. After paints done it will be a put back together and get it roadworthy trek.

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Canberra unfortunately haha. he had them in a cut up water tank apparently

nice pick up mate. is she going to be a neat daily?
Great heating in summer haha. I lived in Canberra for the first 8 years of my life, good place, well, while I was there.

Yeah neat daily, hopefully make it to Summernats next year in this and mums HK premier.

Bought myself two new monsters for my tetra tank today. Well monster for me, biggest fish i've owned in almost a year! Two Indian Banded Gouramis.
Just the weather sucks and the public servants

did you go this year? was awesomely rowdy haha

nice. havent owned gouramis in a while
Hahaha, weather is a hole there, glad that I moved from there because of it.

Nah, I haven't been since I lived there, last time i went was maybe 2002. I miss it, that'd for sure, nothing like it up here.

They're my first gouramis :D.
My three foot has 5 x cs rainbows, breeding pair of empire gudgeon, 1 x long arm shrimp, 3 x archers, 2 x glass perchlet, 10x local strain rhads, 1 x black Molly lol, getting some Cato river rainbows n purple spotted gudgeon soon maybe more shrimp, just got a new 6 x 2 x 2 to put an Oscar and green terror in, n got an order of two s. leichardti when there ready :D stoked want a jade perch too anyone have feedback on them?
Could always make the coon into a fish tank Eric just need a lot of silicone and a sunroof for a lid :ROFL: