Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Dudzy;4914964; said:
I think the trick to making them not so aggressive is actually keeping multiple ones together, but thats just my theory- because I have kept only two at a time before in a community tank with no problems.

I was feeding them frozen blocks of bloodworms.

ah ok, i was hoping the food was something else, the eel wont eat blood worms and i thought i'd just seen a way to save me the lovely experience of an eels death roll lol its feeding day tomorrow, so hopefully i'll have the vid up sometime. Might go try catch some yabbies instead, much easier to hand feed with.
preston5321;4907233; said:
Hey, just wondering what kind of growth rate aussie bass have in aquaria. looking into getting a couple.

25 to 30 cm max in 12 months if you feed them constantly and do lots of water changes. Nitrates < 10 ppm and they grow fast. Growth rate slows heaps after 2 years, very slow after 3.
Thanks for the info aussiemonster. Gonna go down an see how much to order a bass in tommorrow could be scary. Jacks look like a beast fish to keep, if i ever see one down here ill be scooping it up. How do you go cleaning the tank with those teeth?
Dudzy;4914964; said:
I think the trick to making them not so aggressive is actually keeping multiple ones together, but thats just my theory- because I have kept only two at a time before in a community tank with no problems.

I was feeding them frozen blocks of bloodworms.

the trick to keeping any fish less aggressive is to keep alot of the same species or similar species in a tank. silver perch by them selves are very aggro. when u pack them in they are not able to establish a territory so they cant hold any ground and also they spread there aggression amogst alot of fish rather then smashing one. i have had docile spangleds before. atm i got a couple in a 6x3x2 with a coaly, tandan and longfin eel. the little spangled gets bashed a bit and hes real skittish the coaly knows tat the spangled is the boss atm but he doesnt take his crap and the eel just chills in his log. the coaly used to bash everything till the spangled got bigger then him but oncve the coaly gets bigger he'll be boss again.
Dudzy;4945584; said:
Coalies in my opinion are alot worse than spangleds, they are also aggressive in packs aswell... but nothing a bigger fish cant handle :P

They make a great community fish according to the Ausyfish website lol
Was being sarcastic Dudz they are nasty Bastards, Ausyfish is FOS IMO
As a public service to all Terapontid keepers here is my rating scale of degree of nastyness.

1 Therapon jarbua
2 Spangled Perch
3 Sooty Grunter
4 Coalies
5 H. tulliensis
6 Barred Grunter
7 Silver Grunter
8 S. parviceps
9 Silvers, Barcoo,S.hillii

Feel free to add your own as these are the only ones I have kept.
Be interesting to see Cams list :popcorn: