• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Best Cichlid for a 30 Gallon Tank

Pseudotropheus Saulosi, Neolamprologus Leleupi, Altolamprologus Calves, Neolamprologus Brichardi (will outbreed convicts, good luck keeping any tankmate with them), Paracyprochromis Nigripinnis, Really any small tang cichlids,
I kept a pair of gram modes for couple years in a 75, where they spawned 3 times.
But as they grew even the 75 became too small, and the female ended up dead.

The grammodes went from 1.5" to about 7" in less that 2 years.

A thought, because your son seems to like the predatory look.
One of my favorite is Stomatepia pindu, from Lake Barumbi mbo in Cameroon.
It takes time for these little predators to reach to full size (7"+/-) from the juvie stage.

they are very active mouth brooders, and the white spots are cephalic pits that help them locate prey in the substrate. They will of course, outgrow a 30 gal in time.
Pseudotropheus Saulosi, (will work if the tank is carefully planned) Neolamprologus Leleupi, ( may have aggression issues) Altolamprologus Calvus, Neolamprologus Brichardi (will outbreed convicts, good luck keeping any tankmate with them), Paracyprochromis Nigripinnis, Really any small tang cichlids, you could probably keep a pair of smaller thoricthys or hemochromis. You could also keep quite a few Elassasoma spp. sunfish, and if you don't tell anyone, everyone will think they are mini cichlids.
You have a lot of great options. I think the kribensis idea is a pretty good one. They are usually recommended for softer water but are widely adaptable. My favorite part of that idea is it leaves you room for other fish if he gets bored. You can have a school of dithers to keep activity in the tank or if you plant it heavy enough you can go with small loaches or even a small spiny eel. I also like the idea of a pair of lemon firemouths. A pair of jewel cichlids could work well.

The Tanganyika plan is a good one too. I love my brevis in my 29. Sometimes I do think about getting Lamprichthys tanganicanus to fill out the top level. Another way to go is a pair of julidochromis. I personally enjoy my buffalohead cichilds. They aren't beautiful but they sure are fun. A pair in there would do well and you could have a school of congos above them. If you want color some of the small haps like the ruby green could work.

I know this is a cichlid request but as a kid my 29 mudskipper tank was my favorite tank for years. You can't beat them for personality and antics.
Regular or electric blue acara could work. Andinoacara Pulcher
I have a pair of electric blue in a 40 that are breeding like crazy. They are personable and only mildly aggressive. They get along really well with other fish. They max out around 6 inches and take a wide Ph parameter.
I also keep live plants with them they do tear some out every now and then but for the most part leave things alone.
I think an electric blue acara would be great in a 30 gallon. Probably enough room for a pair actually. Mine is one of my favorites. Gorgeous fish and lots of personality.
You have a lot of great options. I think the kribensis idea is a pretty good one. They are usually recommended for softer water but are widely adaptable. My favorite part of that idea is it leaves you room for other fish if he gets bored. You can have a school of dithers to keep activity in the tank or if you plant it heavy enough you can go with small loaches or even a small spiny eel. I also like the idea of a pair of lemon firemouths. A pair of jewel cichlids could work well.

The Tanganyika plan is a good one too. I love my brevis in my 29. Sometimes I do think about getting Lamprichthys tanganicanus to fill out the top level. Another way to go is a pair of julidochromis. I personally enjoy my buffalohead cichilds. They aren't beautiful but they sure are fun. A pair in there would do well and you could have a school of congos above them. If you want color some of the small haps like the ruby green could work.

I know this is a cichlid request but as a kid my 29 mudskipper tank was my favorite tank for years. You can't beat them for personality and antics.
if you don't care about the biotope thing, you can stick mollies, platies, or swordtails in there. They'll be able to deal with the shellies and they are far cheaper abs easier to get than Tanganyika killies.
There are lots of fish that will do fine in a 30g and breed. A pair of almost any pelvichachromis species(kribs), convicts, nanoluteus, etc. Be aware that many of those can get pretty aggressive when they spawn and will likely try to kill anything of similar size to them once they are spawning.

Keyhole cichlids are interesting fish that are quite a bit more peaceful than their central american or west african brethren.

I also agree with the others who mentioned brevis from lake tanganyika. Awesome little fish.
Brichardi look cool, massive fangs.
Other convict esq options are jade eyed, t-bar and cutteri. Rainbow fish is another option.
What about apistogramma?
Albino kribs.
Dwarf acara.