• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

biggest koi

ok. This has me convinced. I'm buying an above-ground pool and I'm raising koi in it!. Maybe in a few years my kids can ride on them. lol

ok. This has me convinced. I'm buying an above-ground pool and I'm raising koi in it!. Maybe in a few years my kids can ride on them. lol


you never know, it could be at some expo and they were raised in a huge pond but shown in a kiddie pool. unless its already been varified they grew up in it (i didnt read all the posts) but yeah, one of those above ground pools saves your back, and arms, and shoulders, and neck, well, they save your life...almost...lol.

back to diggin for me.
These fish can only be kept in a show-pool for a short time.
They are bred and raised in very big ponds with extreme filters, lots of aeration and are fed with high-protein food around the clock. :)
These fish can only be kept in a show-pool for a short time.
They are bred and raised in very big ponds with extreme filters, lots of aeration and are fed with high-protein food around the clock. :)

not even a very large pool?

like say 10ft diameter with a 30'' depth?

you could prolly put 20 in that thing, but to get then to grow big prolly 8 and to keep it managable and to make sure everyone gets a fair share id say 4 or 5 would be good. plus a few different fish so it doesnt look dull and there would be constant movement. so maybe a sturgeon and a few albino catfish. they get big and dont really mess with koi. unless the catfish is 2ft and the koi is 8" then you have an expensive meal.