My point of view against pond bottom drains is only for ponds that are close to homes where a completly failed pipe joint and the total loss of all pond water would cause flooding or harm to a home.
Bottom drains in ponds that have no such risk to flooding a basement or home foundations are a handy item...
kumdoalan I see your point for sure, I have had several small indoor floods and a little water can go a long way. The liner won't be going in until after the deck is finished this summer, so I will have some time to ponder possibilities and research. A pond vac from the local harbor freight may be a wiser investment than building a drain. Actually stopped there today to pick up a larger sump pump, mine wasn't cutting it for draining the pond with all of the rainfall we have had . I have also been considering the thicker 60mil EPDM liner over 30 mil PVC as well. Its pricy but may be worth it for peace of mind.
Here is a shot when I got home today, last night it was bone dry, and now its waist deep.
A 45 mil. liner will be just fine. If you want piece of mind, use a double later of underlayment, or heavier UL. Liner is much more expensive than underlayment. Good idea w/ a larger pump...
Its been a slow week of progress. Record rains, tornadoes, storms, school events, and a cranky neighbor slowed progress. Close neighbor on the pond side is well entertained by the project, he gave me the splitting maul to take out the stump. Another neighbor gave me an extra pump for drainage. Neighbor on the far side however is a differnt story. Single lady that never comes out. She has service to maintain her yard and thinks my pond is impeding water drainage from her property. Thought the excavated dirt from the pond that I used to level my yard was flooding her. Not the record rains. After a week of phone calls, zoning checks, property line checks, and waste water law reviews final conclusion is I have done nothing wrong. Other neighbors think I am crazy but I decided a little extra digging and piping was better than years of grief so am putting in drainage pipe. Won't serve any purpose but to make her happy.
Thats pretty accurate. She has three that have never been allowed out of the house to see sunlight, and is always complaining about neighborhood cats pooping in her yard. If you notice the fence on her side is a 6' fence on 4' post. Last summer our jack russels were bothering her so I ripped out the 4' panels and slapped up some 6' until I come up with an aesthetic solution.
You seem to have some great ideas, man. I particularly like your DIY stand and canopy on the 125. Beautiful. Keep the updates comin'! I'm learning a lot from this process too...
Not much work done on the pond this weekend, too many other things going on. Saturday evening had some friends over for the Kentucky derby and wanted to use the backyard. Not sure if they were more surprised by the large pit, or the fact my better half is Ok with it. They were a bit nervous using the temporary bridge over it, but after a few drinks and rounds of croquet it became quite entertaining.
I hope to resolve the drainage issues and finish digging this week. If all goes well I will attach the ledger and begin building the permanent bridge next week.