Building My 15,000 Gallon Mini Mega Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Fish photographer Dave Unruh of St Catherines Ontario Canada took a few pics of fish at my place when he visited last November and gave me a cd of them today.

The Emperor/Imperial shark (Panagasius sanitswongi)
is in a 540 gallon tank (8' x 4' x 28")

dave unruh nov 2007 008.JPG

dave unruh nov 2007 009.JPG
ceeej31;1695867; said:
do those get huge like paroons?

They are also called paroons but in Quaoar or Canada they are known more so as Imperial sharks. They can max at 9 to 10 feet long and over 600 lbs.

I had these 3 in my 52k but had to get them out because they were attacking my arapaima's. When I've had them before I never had this problem.

It is just the personality of the different fishes.

Do you have them in the USA ?
Fish photographer Dave Unruh of St Catherines Ontario Canada took a few pics of fish at my place when he visited last November and here is a 16" Boulengerochromis microlepis in a 180.

I bought it at The Tropical Fish Room in Brantford, Ontario Canada.

The pic was taken by Dave Unruh.

dave unruh nov 2007 024.JPG