That is an absolutely stunning set-up you have got. I won't dare ask how much it cost, as that is none of my business, but wow...Your tank has got to be as big as my home *I live in a Mobile Home* I could just imagine turning my house into one giant aquarium...I would then be homeless though LOL
I don't know if any one has asked this, I browsed through some of the older posts, but didn't see it. How long did it take to build it?
You know...You could do tours of it! I'm sure someone has already thought of it...but hey! You could charge like a couple bucks to get in, and than save that money to build a 100,000 tank!!!
I never really measured the time to build the 15k. The concrete, steel and glass went up over a couple of months. The coatings, lights, plumbing probably 2 more. It took a lot more time building the 52,000.
Hey you forgot heat. Many of us live in cold climates.
Oil went up today $6 a barrel on the july future markets so my grand total and everbody else's on this site will be going up also....................................I already see people cutting back on their hobbies because of it. This is a sad thing for us all.