Building My 15,000 Gallon Mini Mega Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Good to hear your Emperor Cichlid is doing well.

I also see Leporinus fasciatus in the tank. It is one of the more oddball fish I see at my LFS and though I don't keep them their coloration is amazing. How big are the largest of the Leporinus?
Ah so you do have a dorado! That's great then! Pics please ;) The talk has got me interested in it! I was mainly talking about the
Salminus maxillosus - real Brazilian 'golden dorado'.

That's the ones I like ;) Jeff had them as you said :D

The fish is also known as
Salminus maxillosus

But it's correct scientific name is Salminus brasiliensis.

Cuvier was the first to describe it in 1816 and named the fish
Salminus brasiliensis

Valenciennes thought it was a new species when he found it in 1850 and called it S. maxillosus. However it is the same fish so the name goes to the first name recorded.

Lets see the picture of your dad catching his Dorado.

Here is a pic from a 2007 MFK thread catching a record size S. braziliensis
Good to hear your Emperor Cichlid is doing well.

I also see Leporinus fasciatus in the tank. It is one of the more oddball fish I see at my LFS and though I don't keep them their coloration is amazing. How big are the largest of the Leporinus?

When I was 10 years old I got a copy of Axelrod's Encyclopedia of Tropical Fish book for Christmas. In it there was a picture of a Public Aquarium with oscars and leporinus fasciatus. After that I always wanted some. I've kept them for many years and have 4 in the big tank and more than a dozen in this tank. The biggest is about 18" total length. Bought in 1994 to 2004. DSC_9855.JPG

I also keep L. affinis, L. agassizi, L. friderici and L. trimaculatus in this tank.

I have 3 L. arcus in the 52,000 that I purchased in 1993 (bought 4 but one was eaten in 2009) I also have 3 more L. arcus in various 180's.
