They are really nice fish. Good luck with your new albinos.
The first 3 cichlids I owned as a kid where Jack Dempsey, Angels and Oscars.
Some of the Tiger Oscars in the 15k have really bad mouths from fighting among themselves. This one does not and has a mate. They bred (layed eggs) in the tank on Monday
but will not be able to protect the babies if they hatch.
Here is a pic of my Hemisynodontis membrancea in this tank. I bought it Oct 12 1990 from Dennis Hare at the Aquarium Center in Randalllstown Plaza in Maryland USA. The fish is swimming about 10 feet away from the glass. I do have a another awesome one in another tank.
Great pic!
Oscares are great have eaten every thing although they have bad eyes gonna start treating them tomorrow. I'll probably get an update tomorrow.
Keep the pics coming for people like me