Hi arapaimag, thanks for the reply. i currently own one juvenile dovii (approximately 6inches) with two very nervous bristlenose in a 100 gallon tank. i did own an oscar and a jag which used to fight constantly as they grew up but the jag started to get the better of him so i gave the oscar to a friend. then another friend wanted to swap the jag for a dovii which i accepted readily even though my jag was a much more striking fish. the dovii is a bit shy until you put feeders or anything else in there. i put a 6cm gibbicep and a friends red texan(aprox 9 inches) to try and divert him away from the gibby but we had to take the texan out within half an hour as he would not stop harrassing it and the next morning the gibby was gone!
I really love my dovi, jags and umbies too but find they are so nasty in smaller tanks that I never can keep other fish with them unless it's crowded like an african tank. Otherwise I get results just like you do. Death & Destruction.
When introduced to my big tanks and they settle down after a couple of weeks they have the disposition of discus. Friends are shocked to see what were killers change so much.
The big dovi in the 15k does act the tough guy but only when he is playing the godfather to the red devils.
Keep me posted on your great dovi's and please post a picture of them some time.