A few more Rusty Wessel pictures of various fish in my other tanks.
#1 & #2. Protopterus annectens the african lungfish. Given to my by Marian and Ronel owners of Arlington Pet Shop in North York, Ontario in 2001 at 22". The fish had been in their store for more than a decade in a tank about 100 gallons. It has been in various tanks and ponds since I've owned it and is now 36". Presently it is in a 250 gallon tank (946 litres) and does go outside in the summers into a 8' by 8' pond. It is very personable like "Reilly" the P. annectens I gave Neil Burgess (African Fish Zone) in 2000.
#3. A young Brachyplatystoma tigrinum (formerly known as Merodontus tigrinus) bought from Aquarium Services (Big Al's) on Kennedy road Scarboro in 2010 for $134.99 at 4". It is still in it's quarantine 55 gallon tank and grown a couple of inches. I bought one in 1989 from the same store (They used to be about a block south of their present location) when they went for $1999.00 each ( I did get a 10% discount but $1,800 still hurts) so this helps average out the cost a little........................
#4. My Apalone ferox the florida soft shell turtle. Appears to be the same genus as Jonathan's turtle "TheFishGuy" . By the way on construction, filtration and breeding ca and sa cichlids contact Jonathan is friendly, fantastic and always very helpful. Mine is kept in a 225g with a shoal of daffodil Lamprologus brichardi I bought at 50 cents each at a Kitchener Aq. Society auction in 2009.
He eats fish but they have a large rock pile and bogwood corner protected from him where the brichardi live, breed and venture out from. He was 2 1/2" when I bought him from Aquarium Services Kitchener (Anthony's store) also in the Big Al's chain and is now 8". I will put him outside in the summer this year.