What is your water change routine like on that 810G?
What kind of filtration system do you have on it?
I see you have a few Puntius denisonii in there. How has your experience been with them?
Thank you as always.
I have a drip system on the tank changing about 100 gallons a day.
I use 2 Fluval fx5's on this tank
I have 6 Puntius denisonii in the tank and really enjoy the species. Such a beautiful yet mild mannered fish. The ones I have don't have the red extending far past the gill. I have seen some that do and those generally were the ones that came in the 2004-2008 period. I have noticed one store recently that does have young ones that have the extensive red bar.
They are being bred on such a huge scale now.
One store I was in had brought in 600 in October and has sold them all as of yesterday at $6.99 each. What a difference from the mid 2000's price of $25 to $35 each.