• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank


What is your water change routine like on that 810G?

What kind of filtration system do you have on it?

I see you have a few Puntius denisonii in there. How has your experience been with them?

Thank you as always.

I have a drip system on the tank changing about 100 gallons a day.

I use 2 Fluval fx5's on this tank

I have 6 Puntius denisonii in the tank and really enjoy the species. Such a beautiful yet mild mannered fish. The ones I have don't have the red extending far past the gill. I have seen some that do and those generally were the ones that came in the 2004-2008 period. I have noticed one store recently that does have young ones that have the extensive red bar.

They are being bred on such a huge scale now.

One store I was in had brought in 600 in October and has sold them all as of yesterday at $6.99 each. What a difference from the mid 2000's price of $25 to $35 each.
This guy is in one of my other tanks
IMG_4325.JPGThis is my Mastacembelus erythrotaenia. It is in a 225 now and is about 26" long. It is not as colourful as it appears The cameras flash always embellishes it's colours. It's diet consists mainly of earthworms, cocktail shrimp and Macrobrachium lanchesteri. I keep a colony of guppies in the tank which the eel might eat but I have never seen him do so.

The other inhabitants beside the guppies are:

1 Panaque nigrolineatus L190b about 9"
1 Synodontus euptera 5"
2 Trichogaster leeri a pair about 2 1/2"
1 Betta splendons
1 Anostomus taeniatus about 6"
1 Abramites hypslontus about 5"
