I'm going to move the attu up in tank size slowly it might eventually get the 15k and if the Wallgo leerii passes away maybe the 52kWhere are you thinking of putting the attu?
Have you ever had large iridescent sharks before?
I find that the Hydrocynus I have had are very skitterish and although they are tough among themselves they are very delicate when receiving bites from other fish. They also are easily injured and seem to lose scales easily, just bumping into plants or other objects. Perhaps when they are large they are a lot tougher but since I have never even owned one that reached 20" yet I can only relate to my own experiences.
I know that you are very restricted in what fish are legally owned in South Africa. I don't think from the list I saw on your South African fish forum that you can keep Hydrocynus as pets. Is that right?
Yup among the 12 pages worth of species names Hydrocynus Spp "African Tiger Fish" is one of them. It's interesting the tough behavior towards their own kind, but the lack thereof against other aggressive species. I guess it's because in their natural environment there aren't other aggressive mid/top water dwelling species as-well as the expanse of the water body, but they still put up a heck of a fight when hooked.
By the way how is you're notorious Dovii, is he still around and kickin?
P. sanitswongsi is an amazing fish (though I can only dream of keeping them). Sorry about your sharks...
Are you interested in P. hypophthalmus?
Megalodoras uranoscopus (Giant Raphael Catfish) is a nice yet peaceful monster. Do you have any?
I have also heard that you had/have a Asian Redtail Catfish that didn't grow big. Is it alive and well?
Sorry about all the questions but I am really interested in your monster tank and fish.
WHAT! I just looked up a black shark... that thing killed a pima!?! How? They dont look like they could hurt anything at all...