• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank

Thank you arapaimag. Happy new year for you too.

Yes, I use the Gregoriam calendar:)

Your tanks are approximately 1000 times bigger than the 55 gallon I have, which the largest fish is a 7" snakeskin gourami (Trichopodus pectoralis) and a smaller relative of the Giant Raphael Catfish, the Striped Raphael Cat (Platydoras armatulus) at 6 1/2". I raised both from juveniles/subadults, 4 1/2" (gourami) and 2" for the raphael. I bought the gourami in 2008 and the raphael cat in 2005.

My tanks may not be large, but I still love monsters. Right now I just can't get any due to my tank size.

I'm very curious if any of your many cichlids (in both the 52k and the 15k), follow larger fish such as you arapaimas and wallago leeri, hanging by the tail, for protection against other fish? I remember visiting the NJ Aquarium and seeing this kind of behavior in their large tanks.

Lastly, thank you for your detailed answers and taking the time to answer my questions.

The Gregorian calendar is good but I switched to the Brycinian calendar years ago so with the combination of moving to the nearest Even Horizon it definitely alters time and space:screwy:.

I also switched the Caesium (Cesium in the USA) atom being used as the measurement of a second to a hydrogen atom in my world.

When I was a kid my biggest tank was a homemade 10 gallon tank and I built an air pump out of a motor in my meccano set. So your tank would have been a dream for me. Also many of the tanks I have now are smaller than your 55.

I only bought my first Snakeskin gouramis in December 2010. They were 2 1/2" long and I ended up with 2 males and one female. Unlike any other gouramis I own or have owned this is the first where the female rules. The female is about 7 inches. The smaller male is 6 inches and the larger male is 8 inches. Their name I believe is Trichogaster pectoralis.

I have owned the raphael cat in the past (Feb 1988 to 1998). It might have been a different species also called a raphael cat as it was a Platydoras costatus.

Yes you are very observant. The cichlids often follow the Arapaima arapaima around just as you described but it is not for protection in my tank.

It happens mainly in my tank during and after feeding meaty/fish foods like herring or mackerel. The big fish lets large amounts of particle escape through it's gills and the small fish follow to eat these bits. When I had smaller Pangasius sanitswongsei in with them, the P. sanitswongsei would follow just behind the cichlids and pick a few off while also lunging at the particles coming out of the Arapaima's gills. The largest amount of particles emitted are when the mackerel is thawed out completely.

When feeding flake and pellets to the cichlids the Arapaima stalks them in an effort to catch he cichlids. When his mouth opens and slams shut it can be heard as a bang and always startles friends.

Thank you.

Well done for taking care of your Peckolita vittata for so long! 32 years is jaw dropping. Congrats indeed and I hope she will be well for many more years. Please do keep us posted on her.

I'm considering picking up two L202 specimens.

All the best in the new year.

Oh, that GATF is a menace! Love it.

You most welcome.

Best of luck with the L202's

Here is a pic for those that are not familiar with L202 http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/image.php?species=peckoltia+lineola&image_id=4331
This is my dream to keep an arapaima and I already know the dimensions where I'm putting it in ;)
Unlike you I'm using black tiles with the MFK logo in the middle of the tank. Too bad It has to bee for some other years, right now with 14, 700 gallons is the max I can get :(
You have a dream tank but I would really like to see some general photos and maybe un updated vid :D
I'll be looking forward to asking you questions :)

I very much hope you realize your dream tank.

What will the dimensions be?

The black tiles will be very good and I am sure Neoprodigy will love to see MFK logo built into the tank.

I seldom take pictures but if friends are over perhaps they can.
Funny you should mention it. Found this site on web, and according to them the Goliaths aren't bad fighters "well against a barracuda anyway".

http://www.wildanimalfightclub.com/lion-fight-tiger-vs-gorilla-attacks/?Tag=Tigerfish Fight

Here is a Singapore hobbyist's video of his tiger fish in a community tank and doing well. He appears to rule the tank but I do notice scales missing from taking on somebody. However it is a good video showing his speed and dominating personality. Mine are are wimps compared to him.

I had some fish that i wanted to know if you have kept them or would consider keeping them!

Electric Eel
Yellowcheek predatory carp

Of these 3 I only have ever kept the Electrophorus electricus.

I have one I bought from Sean & Oliver at Biotope in 1999 at 11 inches. Sean has moved from Montreal to Hong Kong but Oliver of course still has Below Water.

Slow grower and only around 44" (111 cm) when last measured in 2009 (However a friend visiting this week using a tape measure outside the tank said it was 47" . Kept in a 480 gallon (1817 litre) tank at present. Over its lifetime it has been moved from 360 gallon (1362 litres) to 560 gallon (2120 litres) and now in 480 gallon tanks.
I had some fish that i wanted to know if you have kept them or would consider keeping them!

Tiger sting ray
giant mekong ray
nile perch

Ryan of these I have never owned the ray and like the bull shark would not really fit in my tank well.

The Nile perch Lates niloticus I had very limited experience with. I bought it in 1997 at Pets Plus in Lockport NY at 4" for $24.99 from John. I got it up to 22" put it in the big tank and it was killed in 1999. The main culprit was probably the Morulius chrysophekadion. I had seen him being chased by Black Nasty a few times before his death.

The tiger ray Ptomotrygon menchacai? It is debatable if I owned one. I purchased and unusual tea cup ray in October 1989 from That Fish Place in Lancaster PA. at about 3" for $29.95. I had the fish till 2005 when it was killed as a result of injury from my breeder male P. sp. Henlei? Leopoldi? cross?. I never thought it to be a tiger ray, However Oliver Lucanus told me it was and offered to buy it from me. I did see a very beautiful tiger ray at Aquatic Kingdom in Mississauga Ontario (Where SimonL works) this past week. It was sold however.
Happy New Year everyone!

Hmm... my snakeskin is a male, I don't have a female so I have no clue how aggressive they are. I used to have a Opaline gourami with him (Trichopodus trichopterus), also a male, and both sparred regularly, turning a very dark color.

Are the guppies still in colonies in the driftwood of your tank?

Btw, do you have any large payara?