• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank

Happy holidays arapaimag.

Do you have any experience in keeping Peckoltia lineola (L202)? Thank you.

Hello Nightstorm

I have had very little experience with species in the genus Peckolita and never owned P. lineola L202.

Do you have some?

I have only owned

1 Peckolita vittata. It is the oldest fish in my collection and on January 25th 2012 if we both make it, will be 32 years since I bought her. Her tank is due for it's annual tear down that month and maybe I will take a pic of her. She is not pretty but she is alive!!!!!!!!

Two Peckolita compta L134 that I just recently acquired from Jerry Draper at the Tropical Fish Room in Brantford Ontario Canada on Nov 10.

and that's it

Have a great New Year
hey arapaimag, great tank and well done it looks great ! Do you have any knife fish in there ? and if you do care to show some pics ?
Thank you arapaimag. Happy new year for you too.

Yes, I use the Gregoriam calendar:)

Your tanks are approximately 1000 times bigger than the 55 gallon I have, which the largest fish is a 7" snakeskin gourami (Trichopodus pectoralis) and a smaller relative of the Giant Raphael Catfish, the Striped Raphael Cat (Platydoras armatulus) at 6 1/2". I raised both from juveniles/subadults, 4 1/2" (gourami) and 2" for the raphael. I bought the gourami in 2008 and the raphael cat in 2005.

My tanks may not be large, but I still love monsters. Right now I just can't get any due to my tank size.

I'm very curious if any of your many cichlids (in both the 52k and the 15k), follow larger fish such as you arapaimas and wallago leeri, hanging by the tail, for protection against other fish? I remember visiting the NJ Aquarium and seeing this kind of behavior in their large tanks.

Lastly, thank you for your detailed answers and taking the time to answer my questions.
Hello Nightstorm

I have had very little experience with species in the genus Peckolita and never owned P. lineola L202.

Do you have some?

I have only owned

1 Peckolita vittata. It is the oldest fish in my collection and on January 25th 2012 if we both make it, will be 32 years since I bought her. Her tank is due for it's annual tear down that month and maybe I will take a pic of her. She is not pretty but she is alive!!!!!!!!

Two Peckolita compta L134 that I just recently acquired from Jerry Draper at the Tropical Fish Room in Brantford Ontario Canada on Nov 10.

and that's it

Have a great New Year


Thank you.

Well done for taking care of your Peckolita vittata for so long! 32 years is jaw dropping. Congrats indeed and I hope she will be well for many more years. Please do keep us posted on her.

I'm considering picking up two L202 specimens.

All the best in the new year.

Oh, that GATF is a menace! Love it.
This is my dream to keep an arapaima and I already know the dimensions where I'm putting it in ;)
Unlike you I'm using black tiles with the MFK logo in the middle of the tank. Too bad It has to bee for some other years, right now with 14, 700 gallons is the max I can get :(
You have a dream tank but I would really like to see some general photos and maybe un updated vid :D
I'll be looking forward to asking you questions :)
Thats a beautiful Goliath thank you for sharing... I didnt know the scientific name of the bull shark until you said it. But yes I would think that would be too agressive lol.

I had some fish that i wanted to know if you have kept them or would consider keeping them!

Electric Eel
Yellowcheek predatory carp
Tiger sting ray
giant mekong ray
nile perch

Maybe with the exceeption of the eel any of these would look amazing in that beast tank of yours my friend.
hey arapaimag, great tank and well done it looks great ! Do you have any knife fish in there ? and if you do care to show some pics ?

Thanks very much

I really like knife fish but until you asked never realized how few I actually keep.

I had 4 Notopterus chitala in the 15,000 for many years. The number was only 2 in feb 2010 and I decided to move them to the big tank. They were only 26" and 27" and I originally got the in 1998 and 2000 respectively.

They are a real treat to watch in the big tank as they cruise the rocks predating on small cichlids. I did notice that one had a severe bite on it this week and hope it heals. Probably a Wallago or Redtail tried to eat it and it escaped.

Are you allowed knife fish in South Africa? If so do you keep any?