can any stingray go in a 125?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
As we should all know rays can be kept happily in a 125g tank, but in the OP`s tank foot print not for long

I am not fully sure but the retic is the smallest FW ray and at around 18 inch disc ex tail it wouldnt be good in the OP`s tank for more than about a disc size of 8 inch maybe 10 at a push, filtration will need to be great and no exeptions and no other tank mates.

For those that have a T cup ray can we have pics/details if there not retics etc, only true T cups.
I have never seen a true tea cup as others have said they are just unnamed rays morso retics or lsf slang for a young ray.
Just from what i have found out.
I have am AWSOME Teacupy Bull Mastiff... PURE BRED!! he is ONLY 165lbs LMAO

sorry but that was to funny, about the great dane
If your planning to build your pond in the near future, you could definitely put a ray in your 125 as a grow out tank. Depending on which species you go with it should do well for about 1 year. Research what other fish make good tank mates. There is alot of good information on this site see if you are willing to put the time, money, and work into rays. Good luck.