can i keep arowana in this aquarium

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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CICL;1748508; said:
from what i've seen on tyhis forum, all ur silvers are from america, and caught in the wild. i've even seen ppl buying baby silvers with their egg sack -.-'' all my aros come from asia, mainly malaysia. that's y their silvers are hybrid, they are not caught in rivers or wild -.-'' duh. they have been genetaically modified to be more resistant and colourful. n yeah its not from crappy farms where they breed all kinds of fishes but specialising in aros -.-'' duh dude inform urself a bit

CICL;1748511; said:
btw im not on for a flame war, peace man. at least inform urself n google before talking -.-'' aint my fault if u cant get an asian or hybrid lol
so you dont have pix? lol :grinno:
So everyone else is wrong and we should all trust your advice because you have 2 hybrid silvers and an asian aro?...

Where is Koji...apparently you haven't met all of our members...

Take a look at his Aro threads and we'll see who everyone wants to listen to if that's the case...
ey im not telling im always right dude -.-' at least all those talking could informed urselves before talking. n i dont know everything but at least what i know im sharing.
CICL;1748556; said:
i didnt say full grown -.-' lol? n u know silvers cn go beyond 3'? so where does ur full grown stop? duh

CICL;1746000; said:
indoor bred silver will go to 30' max

I know very well that silvers can grow beyond 3 feet, but apparently you don't. Where does full grown stop? How about around the length where 95% of all the other captive silvers stop growing? Full grown doesn't stop at 20 feet I can tell you that much.

If you weren't reffering to full grown silvers then why were you arguing with jcardona1? Read this a little closer. He already typed the important stuff in caps, but since you obviously missed the point the first time around let me bold it for you. Actually let me run this one home, I'll even put stars around it for you.

jcardona1;1746018; said:
Look guy, THE POINT IS, if you plan on keeping a SILVER AROWANA in your home ***FOR LIFE***, a 150g tank (112g by your dimensions of 5x2x1.5) is NOT gonna be big enough no matter what kind of indoor/inbred arowana it is. PERIOD!!!! Is that so hard to understand?

Do you know what "for life" means? That means for the entirety for the silvers life, as in, when it dies of old age or of natural causes, otherwise, after it is fully grown. It does not mean from juvenile to 2 feet. DUH! So stop wasting everyones time.
What a goon! DUH! LOL!
I"m gonna keep a silver in a shoebox, duh! When it gets bigger, I'm gonna move it to my bathtub, duh, and then I can swim with it!
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