"Cenote Tanganyika": 300G build for our 26-inch Mbu puffer...

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
So how do you keep the crawfish fresh year round? Do you freeze them?


Thanks, I was curious how you managed it. Do you "purge" them to clean out there system or just freeze them? I can get a hold of some wild caught ones but fear of introducing parasites or unwanted bacteria has kept me from doing so. Amazing MBU you have there and the tank rivals its awesomeness.
Thanks. I do not do anything special. Just bag them in ziplocs and freeze them. The freezing probably kills most parasites. Or at least one I would worry about. never had any problems with it thus far.
Is that right? I feel bad for people with Mbu who do not have local access to crawfish in bulk. It is really the only "practical" food item for big puffers, no matter the cost. It would definitely be more of a challenge if I could net get them like that every year.

Your mbu is worth the food cost! He's so awesome :)..

Thanks, we enjoy him a lot.

In terms of food cost, I would not be surprised if I spend more on feeding the other fish in the tank than I do for the Mbu. Never thought to add it up but I do go through lots of Tetramin Color Flake and bloodworms for everyone else.
Some pics I snapped while I was just downstairs. This is how he spends about 75% of the day. The other 25% is begging for food...



The "business department" of a large puffer...
