"Cenote Tanganyika": 300G build for our 26-inch Mbu puffer...

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
He looks fat and happy lol. By any chance, can you tell me where you get the crayfish? I can only seem to find pre seasoned crawfish.
He looks fat and happy lol. By any chance, can you tell me where you get the crayfish? I can only seem to find pre seasoned crawfish.


I buy the crayfish locally at the market when they are in season but we are in the South, so I understand it may be more challenging for people in other parts of the country. I might try to find some online suppliers for live crawfish. There ought to be many. The season (here, anyway) typically runs from late Feb through May or June but you might have more options for having frozen ones flown in. It will cost more but is still the most practical option for big puffers. Good luck with it.
Hi and congrats first of all. Great work.

I also have a system with plant asissted filtration. It is 540 litres(~140 gallons). I have 19 red bellied piranhas just six months old. Mother is F0 super red belly, father is F1 red belly. They eat fish (trout, somon, and some granul fish food for snack). As you can guess they are really messy. I knew about aquaponics but I saw ornamental big fish tank applications succesfully working in monster fish keepers.

I have pothos, arrow heads, peace lillies, canna flowers and dracena sanderiana. They are all in plastic mesh pots with clay beads medium. Only pothos and arrow heads are sitting in the water with their roots. I see you put bromeliad(tillandsia capitata) which is potted and sits on one of the grates over the water and orchids too. If you please I want to ask some questions.

Which medium do you use for plants on the sides sitting on vinyl-coated shelving? And did you drill extra holes under those pots? Do they need extra watering?
Peace lillies are in mesh pot I see and which medium did you put in them?
...Which medium do you use for plants on the sides sitting on vinyl-coated shelving? And did you drill extra holes under those pots? Do they need extra watering?...Peace lillies are in mesh pot I see and which medium did you put in them?

Hello. The various orchids and other plants which are not in the water, I just use orchid bark or potting soil. Just standard plastic posts, nothing special. Those plants, I just take to the kitchen sink and water once a week. I use the same substrate as you for the peace lillies: Those red clay beads. Work real well for me.

Love the write up & pics! I just really wish you had gone bigger. Also, although the suspended plants look great, you're really going to be sorry you don't have a solid, heavy, tight lid on there. Really sorry...

Just like Pufferpunk to rain on someones parade. In the wild the average fish live less than 10 years. Yes they can live up to 20 years but this is very unlikely in an ideal set up. Jenerik you've done an excellent job here and will be able to love this fish for many years and provide it with a better life than it would be able to provide for itself in the wild. Cheers Jenerik and thanks for the awesome post.
Love your puffer. One of the best fish I've ever kept. Looks like he's spoiled pretty good. I did notice your puffers teeth are quite a bit larger than my old guy. You may want to up the mussels a little to help shave them down. Keep the updates coming.
awesome..but he didn't eat the other fishes? I thought that's what mbu do..as they are not community fish..also..how do you keep his teeth from overgrowing...what u feed him?
Hey Jenerik, I was just kinda reading through this again as it's one of my favorite threads on the site. While doing so, I did have a thought and question. You have an open top to this tank correct? How bad is the evaporation issue with that? I have an "open" sump on my Fahakas tank and the evaporation is insane. With that being said, I am in Arizona where there is zero humidity. Thanks.