Does the marbled pothos have the same effect? 
Sent from my DROIDX using MonsterAquariaNetwork App

Sent from my DROIDX using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
Does the marbled pothos have the same effect?
Sent from my DROIDX using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
That's what the pot at Home Depot said anyways. I got a bunch of them not realizing there were different kinds of pothos.
Sent from my DROIDX using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
Awesome, that was my project for the night!
*ignore the assorted fake tank ornaments
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Looking good everyone
Sent from my SCH-I500 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
What's a good plant do do this with because I only keep bamboo andand bansai trees
Sent from my LGL55C using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
Nice, I like that tank, aquascaping isn't that bad Bro!
Think of the cumulative decrease in nitrates! 100 people x 10ppm per plant or 2 = -1000ppm! :headbang:
Go S. Vettel #1 rb8