Cheap plants, less nitrate! POTHOS

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
×1000000 and that's what I was trying to get across. I think it got blurry when I said it would still be a good idea because it's an awesome plant and if nothing else would help a smidge.

I'm very passionate about husbandry and properly caring for animals, especially the specific species I have so I can only imagine the obscene things you have seen people attempt with Ray keeping and I'm sure it makes you frustrated and disgusted.

Go S.Vettel #1 Infiniti Red Bull Renault!

>Get Better Schumi!


All good man. Better for those of us who have been around a while to banter back and forth like this than a noob get the wrong idea. Again I keep pothos in some of my ray tanks but for decoration and my own enjoyment of plants.

This is just excess growth on the floor i havent trimmed, coming out of the sump of my 330 gallon. I have the under side of the stand wired with lights on a timer.


Wow that is a GIANT TANK and great results! Glad you found an effective solution! Pics would be awesome.

Did you snip the roots an inch or 2 before placing in the water? Do the roots have current? Is your light 5000-7000kelvin? It usually takes 3-4 weeks to acclimate, depending on the condition/stress of the plant possibly more or never at all. Just pull off yellow and dead leafs to focus growth on New ones. Pothos are tropical and appreciate warmth so if yours are by a cold area that will slow things down.

Go S.Vettel #1 Infiniti Red Bull Renault!

>Get Better Schumi!


Hmm...hadn't thought about water flow through the roots, and need to add lights
All good man. Better for those of us who have been around a while to banter back and forth like this than a noob get the wrong idea. Again I keep pothos in some of my ray tanks but for decoration and my own enjoyment of plants.

This is just excess growth on the floor i havent trimmed, coming out of the sump of my 330 gallon. I have the under side of the stand wired with lights on a timer.

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For sure, couldn't imagine the work that goes into a well maintained big Ray tank! Cheers on that and the pothos look great. I've found for some reason they grow better vertically like climbing. Mine always hung off the top of my tank and once they neared the floor they slowed. It wasn't till I hung them on wall or ceiling till they really took off.

Hmm...hadn't thought about water flow through the roots, and need to add lights

If the room has natural sunlight there isn't a need for light to grow these but obviously add more light/stronger photo period they will grow a little faster. Water flow is to pass oxygen and nutrients thru the tank, it has also been noted to help vs no flow. Just little tips.

Go S.Vettel #1 Infiniti Red Bull Renault!

>Get Better Schumi!

Wow I love the central filter arrangement you have and great growth! More pics plz?

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I pothos growth is stagnant
Theres an acclimation period when transplantting especially when its changing its growing medium from soil to water so it seems like its dead but it should be getting on soon.

Is there direct or decent ambient light in the room?

Go S.Vettel #1 Infiniti Red Bull Renault!

>Get Better Schumi!

Update on my 125gal pothos setup. Same plant from the 1st post, 2nd added a few months later. uploadfromtaptalk1412892899337.jpguploadfromtaptalk1412892928170.jpguploadfromtaptalk1412892949030.jpg

These 2 mature plants are easily eating 20ppm nitrate a piece per week if not more. Even with 2-3 week wc gaps my numbers Dont exceed 20-30ppm n03.
uploadfromtaptalk1412893167096.jpg this has resulted in very healthy fish and a cool look imo.

Hope you like
Go S.Vettel #1 Infiniti Red Bull Renault!

>Get Better Schumi!