Cichlasoma sp. 'Esmeraldas Gold'

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Awesome! Will you be removing the adults?

At this point I probably could. All the fry are up and blanketing the bottom of the tank (there are WAY more than I thought) and the parents are okay but they’re starting to act a little stressed that they can’t corral the fry. I’m afraid they may get too uncomfortable and eat them. We’ll see how things go tonight.
At this point I probably could. All the fry are up and blanketing the bottom of the tank (there are WAY more than I thought) and the parents are okay but they’re starting to act a little stressed that they can’t corral the fry. I’m afraid they may get too uncomfortable and eat them. We’ll see how things go tonight.
How did everyone do last night?
They definitely made it this time. The fry are eating brine shrimp today. They're starting to wander the tank and it's making the pair spastic.

Is the smaller one the female? Her eyes look huge compared to her body, its very cute :)

Edit: I forgot to say congrats and well done! :D
Nice seeing an update on them. Still a strange looking fish given the location.
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Today's the last day with the pair. I figured I'd do one more family video before removing them. The male has been overly aggressive toward me, and it's getting worse as the fry grow. He has jumped out of the tank twice now trying to attack my hand, and I've had to grab him off the floor and throw him back. So I decided to remove the adults before they hurt themselves or each other.

The fry are starting to show bars... but they're gold, not black.