Converting Cichla off Live Food

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I recently purchased 2 4" temensis, and was planning on using DMack's suggested method. I have to get them eating out of my hands first. In the mean time, I have been trying different foods just to see what they would take. Up until today they would only eat goldfish and frozen blood worms. They even spit out small night crawlers.

However, today when dropping in some Hikari sinking carnivore tablets for my catfish, one of my PBass decided to try the Hikari tablets, and he liked them! I was dropping them in one at a time, and watching them slowly sink.

The package says it has special attractants for carnivorous fish, so maybe this has something to do with him taking dry food. Anyway, I was quite supprised. I will post an update if I can get my other PBass to take these tablets too, and wheter I have continued success with the first PBass.

Maybe this stuff is worth a try if you want to get them eating pellets/tablets.

I still plan on using DMack's suggestion to get them to take krill, and plan on using the same method for earth worms.
argh i am still struggling to make them smack that feeder i throw in they just wait for awhile after the feeder is thrown in before they go for them!!btw i can use market shrimp right?
i'm tryin to get my cichla on pellets atm....NOT GONNA HAPPEN!! they dun even look at them! :( only been a few days tho!! think i need sinkin pellets to!
a good method is adding to bass tank a contention for food ,the bass will be jelaous and will try the food and maybe it wil taste them
yea im working on it now... i have one of my guy scarfing hikara up, even if they are just floating around too. his brothers and there friends wont hold it in and spit them out right away. i have one other who i think will take pellets tom. im waiting for the other guy to teach them, they will learn
I used the same method a buddy told me to try but my pbass wont eat freeze dried krill only frozen weird
soak them in water first.. prob cause there dry.. i do that with pellets at first
bOOsteN aUdI;1477436; said:
soak them in water first.. prob cause there dry.. i do that with pellets at first

I haven't had this problem as of yet but I am sure Audi is on to something there!!!!!!!:naughty: