Converting Cichla off Live Food

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
this is a really good method, lucky for me ive been real fortunate enough to have my bass take pellets from the start..
one/two of my cichla are 2 smart for this method, they actually look at what they are eatting before they eat it..
Cool, I am gonna try this. This was a technique I wasw already gonna try. My fish are already at the stage of hitting anything as soon as it hits the water. I tried to trick him by tossing a tubifex worm cube instead of a fish and he hit it, but spit it out.
Got back from the store an hour ago, picked up krill, pellets, 15 goldfish, and 15 guppies. I threw in a guppy, then threw a krill. He hit the Krill! But spit it out..

I try again, I throw another guppy, then a krill, he hits it! But spits it out again!

So I thought, I'll try again later. Cleaned out the uneaten krill etc.

I start to leave the room and the fish is up at the front of the glass like usual when he begs for food. So I come back and throw a krill down hard on the water, he hits it hard! Hes got it in his mouth and hes biting, hes almost got it down! BUT WAIT!!

He starts to go into a spitting/coughing motion, he does this 5-6 times, then he spits out the krill!!! OH NO!! I ALMOST HAD IT!!!

Im excited I got the progress so far, and I will try again. I think after a few more sessions he will eat the krill!
dont feed him for a day or so and he will eat the krill
Yeah, when I started this he hadnt eaten in a day, the guppies are too small of food for him, he needs atleast 2 small goldish to satisfy him. So the guppies were more of a tease, just to get his appetite started. I am gonna try again and leave him hungry, but I am glad as I said because I like the progress I got so far. By the way, Im not dealing with a PBass, Im dealing with a Chinese Perch, but I figure this technique is universal and can work with numerous types of fish.
Thanks alot,

Man i was going to try and convert them like now, but they are way to small yet. Soooo Ill wait until like you said they are 6-7".. Thanks again